When He Loved Me

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"When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful..."

One day when I was in Kindergarten, I was sitting down on a bench outside near the playground. I was kicking my legs, bored, until a shadow hovered above me. I looked up to see a boy from my class. His name was Aidan.

"Hi Y/n! You wanna come play with me?" Aidan asked.

My smile grew wide and I responded with, "Sure!" That's when I got up off the bench and Aidan and my friendship began...

"Every hour spent together
Lives within my heart..."

We became best friends that day and after that we would come over to each other's house almost everyday to play!  It was so much fun. I didn't feel lonely anymore!

"And when he was sad
I was there to dry his tears"

Whenever Aidan would cry, I would come up to him and use my thumbs to wipe away his tears. I would then cheer him up by making him laugh. I didn't like seeing him sad, that's why I always kept him happy!

"And when he was happy so was I..."

Together we were mainly happy and had big smiles on our faces. We were each other's light in the darkness.

"When he loved me..."


"Through the summer and the fall
We had each other, that was all"

As we got older, around the time we finished elementary and entered middle school we were still the best of friends. No one could replace Aidan and no one could replace me. We were inseparable. By this time I've grown feelings for Aidan...

"Just he and I together
Like it was meant to be"

He never wanted to hang out with anyone else. He loved me very much and I loved him. I always got the feeling that he liked me back but I never said anything because of how in love I was with our friendship!

"And when he was lonely
I was there to comfort him"

Aidan was barley getting into acting and as he did small films he was very lonely on set. I always sensed when he was feeling down or lonely, so I would always show up wherever he was and cheer him up. He would do the same for me. We had a special connection. We were very loyal to each other. Straight to the very end...

"And I knew that he loved me..."


That's when we entered High School and things changed drastically...

"So the years went by
I stayed the same
But he began to drift away
I was left alone..."

As we went through high school he started staring in big films and he was famous. He had found a new crowd of friends, no time to hang or talk, and he completely forgot about me. I still had hope and I still believed in us because I'm so in love with him and I know he loves me. I just need to wait patiently...like I always did...


Now I'm in college and I haven't talked to him in 4 years. I was lonely again...

"Still I waited for the day
When he'd say, 'I will always love you...'"


I finished college and am living in an apartment alone and depressed. I'm all grown up now and my childhood was behind me. Then one day I was sitting on my couch on my phone when there was a knock on my door. I got up from my couch and opened the door..."

"Lonely and forgotten
Never thought he'd look my way..."

It was Aidan! I never thought I'd see him again! But no he's here! He's really here! He didn't forget about me! I knew we had something there! I knew we were in love! I just knew it!

"Hi Y/n." He said with a smile. That beautiful smile of his. I smiled back and said, "Hi Aidan!" Then we hugged for the first time in years. He then asked me something that apparently was really important...

"And he smiled at me and held me
Just like he used to do"

"Like he loved me..."

"When he loved me..."


"When somebody loved me..."

I was dressed in a beautiful dress with my hair and make up done.

"Everything was beautiful..."

I walked down the aisle with a big smile on my face,  a bouquet of flowers in my hand and I could feel my arm in arm hold on tighter, for this was supposed to be the happiest day ever...

"Every hour spent together..."

I reached Aidan who looked so handsome then ever before in his black suit. He held onto my hands, giving me a huge and excited smile. I smiled back weakly and I was taken to the side where I was supposed to stand...

"Lives within my heart"

I then saw the bride walk down the aisle looking so beautiful and elegant. Arm in arm with her father, looking like she was about to cry, for her moment has arrived. She was going to get married and was bound to be Aidan's wife...

"When he loved me..."

I was so wrong...he didn't come back for my love...he came back to ask me to be a brides maid at his wedding. I felt tears in my eyes, my eyes went blurry and my throat hurt from choking up. I watched as my best friend and his soon to be wife said their vows. My jaw hurt from holding up the fake smile.

This was the happiest day for me...the day that my best friend, the boy I loved and grew up with...got married to another...

"I may now pronounce you husband and wife..."

                         "You may kiss the bride..."


A/N: Ah! The tears!!🥺😭 This one was too emotional. I was literally crying as I wrote it at fricken 4am in the morning. Tell me if you got emotional? Cause I sure did...🥺😖 ANYWAYS hope you guys liked this one. Twas sad I know but also very enjoyable. Please feel free to leave any recommendations, requests, or suggestions for stories and I'll see you guys soon! Byeeee!

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