Chapter 4 - Lame

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Yamaguchi tried calling Y/n a couple of times but her phone was switched off. Being anxious, he walked faster to her home and knocked on the door before her mother answered it.

"Good evening, Mrs. L/n. I want to know if Y/n is here.." He asked, while his eyes searched for her inside.

"Y/n..? She told me that she'd come home late because you got extra practice. Isn't she with you..?" she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows and Yamaguchi widened his eyes upon realizing what she just said.

"Wha- AHH yeah!!" he laughed and scratched his head. "I forgot maybe she is helping..uhh.. Hinata with homework. My bad!! I'm sorry" He bowed and smiled.

He tried to assure her mother that she was fine when he didn't know where she went off to herself. He turned around as his mother closed the door and sighed before clicking his tongue.

"Where are you..?" He gripped tightly on the umbrella, being annoyed at this point. 

He went around the block searching for her when he saw a vending machine around the block. He exhaled and walked towards it, thinking of getting a can of coffee.

As he walked closer to it he heard some whimpering and upon reaching the vending machine he saw what looked like Y/n.

"Y/n..?" he called out and she turned to look at him. He was so mad and ran towards her, throwing the umbrella aside as he pulled her to stand up by her wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He snapped, before looking behind her to see a small helpless puppy, whimpering, having Y/n's jacket wrapped around it.

His eyes softened and looked at Y/n, looking that she was frightened at his sudden outburst and was tearing up.

"I'm sorry..." he let go of her wrist while she looks down and rubbed her wrist with her hand. "I got worried." He admitted.

She looks at him then looks away sadly, while he sighed and went back to get his umbrella.

"I'm sorry... Tada-kun" She sniffed and looked down, earning a small smile from him as he walked towards her.

"Hey... I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have done all that. Please don't cry..?"

He pulled her chin up and wiped her tears, his smile fading upon noticing her warm skin.

"Y/ a cold, didn't you..?" He looks closely at her and asked.

"NO!" She shook her and giggled, but he didn't buy it.

"How long have you been here with this little guy?" He raises his eyebrow and looked at the puppy.

"I don't know.." she said, beginning to rub her arms for keeping warm.

Yamaguchi looks at her and unzips his bag, taking his jacket out and putting it around her.

She looks up at him and smiled, while he offered her his hand.

"Let's go home now, shall we..?"

She giggled softly before holding his hand, ushering the little puppy to follow them as Y/n and Yamaguchi walked home together.

Yamaguchi smiled and closed his eyes, taking her cherry blossom scent in again while he squeezed her hand a little in happiness.

Y/n looked down to realize they were still holding hands.

"Tada-kun..." She called out to him, getting his attention. "My hand..."

He looks down and quickly let's go, looking ahead with a slight blush. They soon reached her home. She opened the door and looked at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then" she smiled and he nodded.

She then looks down at his jacket and held it in her hands.

"I...I will get this for you tomorrow.." she said and this made his heart skip a beat. 

"Uh- sure! No problem." Ge smiled and looks down at the puppy "I'll take him with me you can rest." 

She nods and waves at him as he did the same before walking away.

The next day Y/n  went straight to the gym to check on the early morning rehearsal practice and was surprised to see Yachi there. She walked up to her and smiled.

"Yachi! What are you doing here early in the morning?"

"Y/n! Just decided that I would like to help out in here since I had nothing to do." She said and Y/n nodded. 

Yamaguchi noticed Y/n and runs up to her.

"Y/n-chan! Here..." He said before handing out her jacket to her. 

"Oh, yeah... how's that cutie now?" She smiled and took her jacket. 

"Never been better." He chuckled.

"And here's yours. Thank you." Y/n smiled as she offered him his jacket back.

"You don't have to thank me." He playfully rolled his eyes and wore his jacket, blushing when he realizes that it smelled like Cherry blossom, her.

Y/n looked at him and tilts her head.

Yamaguchi looked at her and shook his head with a smile. 

"You feeling better?" He asked her and she just nodded, earning a sigh of relief from him. "That's good."

"Help me with my jump float serve again." He looks at Yachi and zipped up his jacket.

"I'll go back to class then."

 She smiled and turned around swiftly, running out of the gym. Yamaguchi looked at her and shrugged, not thinking it was something out of the ordinary. Moreover, he was caught up in feeling happy, being enveloped in the cherry blossom scent.

After the practice, Yamaguchi was heading back to class with Tsuksihima and he couldn't stop sniffing and smelling his jacket.

"It feels like she's hugging me." He muttered and blushed. Tsukishima heard that and looked at him.

"Are you dumb? You're talking to yourself." He remarked and smirked.

"Why'd you say that, Tsukki." He pouted.

"Who's hugging who?" Tsukishima scoffed. "You're crazy if you think you'll get to hug her." He shrugged. "You don't have the guts, I can say." He said, trying to provoke him.

Yamaguchi frowned and looked at him. "What makes you say that?"

"You're close friends for God knows how long but never hugged? LAME!" Tsukishima said while entering the class and Yamaguchi slightly huffed under his breath.

The class had started and everyone was focused on writing while Yamaguchi kept staring at Y/n, with the thoughts of what Tsukishima said lurking in his mind.

'What does he think? I can not hug her? Well of course I can, I'm a man after all. A hug is not even the only thing I can do too.' 

He thought to himself, all the time while staring at Y/n but shook his head.

'No!! But that's not something that you do as friends. He's trying to make a fool out of me.'

He thought while glaring at Tsuksihma but turned back to look at Y/n. 'But what if...'

He was drowned in his thoughts but was brought back to reality by the ring of the bell.

During the lunch break, Y/n was asked by one of the teachers to help them put up a notice on the bulletin boards in the different corridors of the school and she agreed to do that. But since she couldn't reach the higher spots in the board, she needed someone taller. 

She looked around the class and sees Yamaguchi talking to Tsukishima and walked over to them.

"Can any one of you help me put the notice around the corridor..? I need help from someone taller.." she says a little embarrassed.

Tsuksihima looks away and wears his headphones on while Yamaguchi rolls his eyes at Tsukishima and stands up from his seat.

"I'll help, let's go ne"? He smiled and she nodded.

A Sweet Story of Love - Cherry Blossom (Yamaguchi Tadashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now