Chapter 2 - Interesting

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It was lunch break, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima just finished filling up the Club Application Form and were planning on going to the gym to hand it out to the manager of the volleyball team. 

Y/n, on the other hand, was staring down at her Club Application Form and sighed.

'What should I go for..?

She thought and clutched on her skirt lightly.

Yamaguchi noticed her uneasy expression and stopped on his path.

"Oi Yamaguchi! Why did you stop?" Tsukishima looked back at him and asked in an annoyed tone.

"Ts-Tsukki.." He looked at him.

"Can you go on ahead? I'll catch you up in a moment."

"Tch. Fine." Tsukishima said and walked out of the classroom.

Y/n was still staring at her paper that she didn't notice that Yamaguchi leant closer to her and stared at the paper too.

"What's bothering you?" He muttered.

"I-It's just-" 

She turned her face towards him only to realize their faces were really close.  She looked at his eyes, which was glistening, before turning her head away with a tint of red. Yamaguchi stood up and placed his index finger under his chin, tilting his head slightly and looked at her.

"Tada-kun.." She started and looked at him.

"Aahhhh I just don't know what club to go for." She looked at him, furrowing her eyebrows and puffing her cheeks a little, being annoyed at herself for having a hard time in choosing.

Yamaguchi blinked before laughing as he placed his hand on his belly. Y/n just stared at him, confused.

"I'm sorry for laughing." He shakes his head. "But that's not even much to think about."

"How can you say?" She asks.

"Here." Yamaguchi takes her paper and a pen and starts to fill it out for her while Y/n looks at him while raising her eyebrow.

"And..Done!" He said with a smile as he placed her paper back on the table. Y/n had one look and her jaw dropped.

"But..How? I don't even know anything about volleyball!" She said as she looked at him.

"I'll teach you. So you don't worry about that. Plus, the boys will be there to help you too! Now let's go. We'll submit our applications together." He said with a smile and she nodded.

The both were making their way to the gym and saw Kiyoko standing outside the court, holding her notebook and some application of some students in her hands.

"We're here to submit our application too!" Yamaguchi says and smiled, handing out his application.

"Me too!" She smiled and handed out hers too.

Kiyoko took both of their application and looked at it before looking at them.

"We'll start from tomorrow." she said. "Be here after classes are over." She instructed them and they nodded.

They walked out the gym and Y/n looked at Yamaguchi.

"You can go on ahead. I need to go to the vending machine to get me some juice." she said while he looked at her.

"You sure?" He asks. "I can still tag along if you want."

"Tsukishima-kun might be waiting for you. He might get mad or something." She said and scratched her head.

"I'm sure he won't mind." He shrugged and chuckled. "I'll just come with you."

The two were just walking back go their classroom when Y/n looked st Yamaguchi.
"Ne.. Yamaguchi-kun" she called out absent-mindedly, earning a frown from Yamaguchi.
"Tada-kun..." He corrected her with a smile.
"Tada-kun.. you seem to be best friends with Tsukishima-kun. Why hangout with me instead..?"
"Hmm.." he rubbed his chin and looked away, pretending to find for an answer before letting out a giggle.
"Isn't it obvious? I actually find it interesting to be around you."
His answer made her blush. Maybe.. it's not the unrequited love, isn't it?
Later that evening, Y/n accompanied Yamaguchi and Tsukishima to the gym and she stood beside Kiyoko as she welcomed the new members.

"She's our current assistant manager, F/n L/n." Kiyoko introduced.
"Pleased to meet you all!" Y/n bowed and said, earning a warm smile from the other members.

The boys did a little warm up and some practice before they were dismissed. The newbies were told to clean the gym and Y/n and Yamaguchi were sweeping the floor while the others took care of the rest.

Once they were done, Y/n took her bag and walked out of the gym, looking at the sky and heaving a breathy sigh before making her way home.

Yamaguchi was distracted since he was talking to Tsukishima that he doesn't see her leaving, and only realized she was gone after they walked out of the gym after she left, looking around to see signs of her.

'Shit... I didn't even get to say her bye..' He thought.

Yamaguchi held the strap of his bag as he walked with Tsukishima a little sad.

'Why am I even sad..? We just met.' 

Yamaguchi thought while Tsukishima was just looking ahead while listening to music, so he didn't really notice Yamaguchi's confused expression.

Back home, Y/n was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling while humming happily. She then took her phone and lit it since she heard the notification of a text message. She sat up when she saw her best friend, Yachi, texted her.

Yachi - Where were you? I didn't see you today.

Y/n - Sorry, I was just a little busy since I applied for a club.

She hit send and tossed her phone on the side but heard the notification tone again. She took her phone and lit it up again, seeing the text from Yamaguchi this time.

She gasped while covering her mouth with her hand as she blushed a little.

'He texted!!!' She squeaked in her mind and was doing a little dance around her room before taking a deep breath and looked at her phone. (Mind you, Y/n saved Yamaguchi's name in her phone as 'My Prince Charming'.)

My Prince Charming - Hey, didn't mean to disturb you. Just wanted to make sure you're home safe. :)

Y/n - I am! Sorry for leaving without letting you know. I wouldn't have if I knew you'd be concerned of me :(

My Prince Charming - It's alright. I'll see you tomorrow.

A Sweet Story of Love - Cherry Blossom (Yamaguchi Tadashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now