Mission 2: High Way Star

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Grimm May Cry

Part 3

Meanwhile at the Grimm May Cry shop, Patty was decorating while Dante was sitting on his chair, reading a magazine.

"Unbelievable! Guy's places are such a mess! No one's going to come to a place with a style like this even the clients

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"Unbelievable! Guy's places are such a mess! No one's going to come to a place with a style like this even the clients."Patty said.

Dante made no reply and continued reading his magazine. Then, they hear a voice outside the door."Hello?"

"It's a customer! Hello! Come in!"Patty said.

The door opens, revealing a pizza guy holding a box of pizza.

"Yeah, I got one basil and spicy salami pizza with no olives."The pizza guy said as Dante walked to him.

"Thanks. I'll pay for everything I owe you by the end of the month."Dante said as he takes the pizza.

The pizza guy soon left and Dante sat down on his chair and began eating his pizza as Patty sighed.

The pizza guy soon left and Dante sat down on his chair and began eating his pizza as Patty sighed

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"Pizza again?"Patty said."I should probably decorate the outside too before Yang gets back home. When do you think she'll come back?"

"I dunno. But she did tell me she'll be back in a while so I guess we'll just have to wait."Dante said.

While Dante was eating a slice of pizza, the sound of a motorcycle revving is heard and Patty's eyes then beamed.

"It's Yang!"Patty said.

Yang then enters the shop and Patty runs up to her, smiling.

"Hey there,Patty."Yang said as the heiress hugs her."Honey, I'm home!"

Dante smiled and stood up from his chair."Welcome home, honey."

He went to her and the two briefly kiss as Patty looks at them with disgust.

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