Mission 3: Not Love

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Grimm May Cry

Part 4

Meanwhile at the Grimm May Cry shop, Dante and Yang were slacking off while Patty groaned as she tries fixing the TV,

"This darn thing!"Patty said as she began shaking it in frustration.

"What's wrong? Is it still not working?"Yang asked.

"Yeah! And today is the last episode!"Patty said.

"Oh well, that's too bad. Me, I'm bummed because my nap's been interrupted."Dante said.

"Then go and buy a new one right now!"Patty said.

"I wish I could but I'm low on money right now."Dante said.

"How'd you two even got low on money so fast?"Patty said.

"Bills and some other stuff. Sorry, Patty."Yang said.

Then, the door opened and Morrison enters the shop.

"Hey there, you two."Morrison said.

"Oh hey, Morrison. Are you here for more jobs that won't make me anymore money?"Dante asked.

"Nope. You know me. I only bring jobs that pay out. On the condition that they're done right."Morrison said.

Patty walked over to him."Hey, Morrison! Can you fix the TV?"

"The TV?"Morrison asked.

"It's broken and today is the last episode of "Bolero in Spring"!"Patty said.

Dante and Yang walked to the door.

"You got your car here today, Morrison? I'll take the job if you let me have some sleep on the way."Dante said.

"Can I come too?"Yang asked.

"As always."Dante said."I've been losing sleep because of that broken TV."

Dante then entered Morrison's car."What are you waiting for? Let's go. I don't care where, I just don't want to hear more of her whining again."

Patty pouts as Yang pats her head in comfort before getting in the car as well."Don't worry about that, Patty."

"Good day, Miss."Morrison said as he walked to his car.

"You're not gonna fix the TV, Morrison? I need my fix!"Patty said.

"You can have these two buy you one with the money they make from this job."Morrison said as he gets inside his car.

"Wait, Morrison! That won't be enough time for the last episode of "Bolero in Spring"!"Patty said but soon they drove off."Hey, you jerks! COME BACK HEREEEEEE!!!!!!"

Later, Dante and Yang soon arrived at a luxurious place where they sit down and looked around the place.

"Woah, this is a pretty swank pad. What kind of racket does he run to afford this?"Yang asked.

"He's the Mayor of Capulet City, so you two should try to be nice."Morrison said.

The door to the rom opens and a butler and an elderly man stepped in.

"Gentlemen? Hello, sorry I'm late. Meeting dragged out longer than I thought it would. Thank you so much for coming. I'm Mike Hagel."The Mayor said as he shook Morrison's hand.

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