Mission 6: Rock Queen

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Grimm May Cry

Part 7

Meanwhile at the Grimm May Shop, Dante and Yang were sitting on the couch, playing a few video games on Dante's switch. Yang began mashing the buttons while Dante just played it calmly with a smirk on his face before eventually, the game ended.

"Unfair! That's two times in a row and I still haven't won!"Yang said.

"Better luck next time I guess."Dante said as Yang pouted at him.

"Dante! Yang!"Patty said, walking forward to them while carrying a book in her hands.

"Oh hey, Patty. Whatcha got there?"Dante asked.

"There's this one story I've found. And it's quite lovely. It's called The Little Mermaid."Patty said."Do you want me to read it for you guys?"

"Of course you can!"Yang said, smiling.

Patty smiled and began telling its story. After a few minutes, Yang was still listening to the story while Dante almost looked like he was falling asleep.

"As payment for the potion that would grow the princess legs, the witch demanded the princess' voice, which was peerless in beauty. So the mermaid princess had her little tongue cut out by the witch and could use her voice no more."Patty read.

A few minutes have passed and Patty finally finished the story."The end!"

"Wow, thanks for sharing the story, Patty. It was quite lovely!"Yang said.

"Thanks!"Patty said before walking away.

"Eh, I already knew the story."Dante said.

"Me too, but still we need to let Patty tell it to us to be entertained at least. I mean we basically don't really don't do anything but laze around and do jobs that get us paid."Yang said before getting up."Speaking of which, we're further and further in debt."

Dante got up and walks over to the juke box."Well, what do you expect? Everyone just leaves us bills instead of a paycheck!"

He then kicks the jukebox, destroying it before siting back on the couch. Yang sighed as she walked over to fix the jukebox.

"You know, you should learn how to deal with machines some time. And please don't be too violent. You're gonna break every single item here in the shop someday."Yang said.

"Sorry about that."Dante said."I'll just have to either find some parts to fix that up or just buy a new one."

"But I bet that would be pricey. This one's vintage isn't it? There's a lot of freaks into vintage stuff out there, you know."Yang said.

While they were talking, Patty notices a record framed on the wall. Curious, she walked closer to get a better look at it.

"Hey, Dante, why is this the only the record you have framed?"Patty asked.

"I've played that record more than any other, but it got scratched. I framed it 'cause I couldn't bring myself to throw it away."Dante said.

"If you liked it so much then why don't you just buy another one?"Patty asked.

"Look at it and you'll see why."Dante said as Patty looks closely at the record."I don't know the name of the singer or the song. Back in the day, that was one of the records in the jukebox."

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