Mission 10: Stylish!

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Grimm May Cry

Part 11

Outside the hotel, everyone was looking at the beaming light from above as Yang and Patty look at the top with worried expressions on their faces.

"Dante..."Yang said.

"It has started...the world's gonna end.."Nina muttered.

Curious, Yang walked towards her."What's starting?"

"There was an alchemist named Alan Powell who was also a sorcerer who employed various Grimms. There was one Grimm that Alan couldn't bend to his employment. And that was Abigail, who was said to have powers on par with the Grimm Queen's. Using every bit of power he possessed, Alan successfully sealed away Abigail's powers. But seal them away was all he did. He was unable to accomplish any more. So to prevent Abigail's powers from falling into anyone's hands. Alan constructed many magical barriers and spread them around. Barriers so tight, not even a single ant couldn't pass through. Something came into being during the process of making those barriers: The magic stone, "Alan's tear". I protected that magic stone according to the ages-old tradition of our family. That pendant is they key in unlocking Abigail. And all I could do is run."Nina explained.

"Then why didn't you try to do anything about the pendant before you spent ten years running?"Morrison asked.

"What was I supposed to do? Throw away a pendant that summoned Grimms?"Nina said.

"And yet even if you destroyed the stone, it would just break the seal."Yang said.

"Either way, it's all over. The seal has been broken. With Abigail's powers on his side, no one could stop that Grimm anymore. Because Alan Powell is no longer in this world."Nina said.

"Then what about Dante?"Yang said.

"It's impossible. No matter how strong he may be, there's no way he could defy Abigail's power."Nina said.

Then, they hear a noise from above and a large Grimm creature emerges from the hotel.


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"No...it's him..Abigail."Nina said.

Abigail lets out a loud roar before flowing down the hotel, destroying it and setting it on fire in the process. A few citizens ran away while Patty looks at the hotel and runs towards there.

"Patty, wait!"Morrison said as he followed but paused as they later see a bunch of Grimm creatures attacking the area.

Yang clenches her fist as she sees them flying around."Go. I'll handle them."

Morrison nodded and went to the hotel. Nina stood up and followed him as well while Yang stayed behind. She takes out her Scroll and contacted a few people until she sees two Griffons landing in front of her. Yang puts her Scroll away and cracks her fist before charging at them.

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