Mission 5: In Private

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Grimm May Cry

Part 6

Meanwhile, Dante and Yang were walking down a sidewalk, talking to each other.

"So where are we heading?"Yang asked.

"The same restaurant we would always go to, Yang."Dante said.

"Hmm, alright. I'm cool with it."Yang said.

Later the two of them enter the restaurant and sat down on their seats that were near the counter.

"We'll have the usual please."Dante said.

The server nodded and later takes out two strawberry sundaes and places them right next to the two.

"Woah, that was fast."Yang said.

"I figured that you two would coming around soon."The server said as Dante and Yang took a scoop of their sundae and ate it.

"Kinda hard to believe you were waiting for us for too long."Dante said.

"I missed you two so much."The server said before walking away.

Dante and Yang continued eating their sundaes until a few voices from behind them caught their attention. They turn to see a customer and a waitress talking loudly a few seats behind them.

"Oh hey, it's those two again."Yang said.

"Cindy!"Isaac said loudly.

"Hush! If you keep bothering me, I'll never get any work done!"Cindy said.

"What's your problem with me?!"Isaac asked.

"To be honest, I don't really care for guys who try to keep chasing after me. Actually, I'm the type of girl who does the chasing."Cindy said.

"What are you talking about?! So tell me what kind of guy you're looking for then, baby!"Isaac said.

"A real He-Man. I like 'em wild, sexy and intelligent. Still kind to women and always relaxed! And he's gotta be someone to die for and cute. A real head turner..just like Dante."Cindy said.

"Dante?"Isaac asked, confused.

"Him."Cindy said, pointing over.

Isaac looks behind him to see Dante and Yang eating their strawberry sundae.

"And because of those traits, Dante managed to score a wife. I even heard he has a daughter as well. If you could become just a little more like Dante, I may think about going out with you."Cindy said as she walked away, giggling.

"Hey, Cindy!"Isaac said.

"Well, she's not entirely wrong, you know."Yang said, leaning closer to Dante.

"You think?"Dante said.

"Heck yeah! What, you think I didn't?"Yang asked.

"Relax. I knew that. I was just kidding."Dante said.

Yang giggled and kisses him on the cheek. Isaac looks at them, completely surprised.

"Seriously? That guy? But..."Isacc said.

Later,  Dante and Yang were walking down the sidewalk again but unbeknownst to them, Isaac was following them from behind.

"I don't get it. So just what does Cindy see in a guy like him anyway?"Isaac said.

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