Mission 4: The Merc With A Mouth

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Grimm May Cry

Part 5

Meanwhile in the Grimm May Cry shop, Patty was cleaning the floors. She paused for a while and wipes her sweat with a towel before looking up to see Dante coming down the stairs.

"Ah, good morning, Dante!"Patty said.

"Morning."Dante said.

Patty then rushed over to get a tray that had two cups of coffee before walking towards Dante."Coffee?"

Dante takes the two cups."Thanks."

She smiled and went over to the outside of the door to flip the door's sign to "OPEN". After a while, Yang came downstairs, yawning.

"Morning, guys."Yang said.

"Morning, honey."Dante said as the two of them briefly kissed."Sleep well?"

Yang nodded."So, do we have any jobs for today?"

"None so far. Guess it's gonna be another boring day for us today, I guess."Dante said as he sipped his cup of coffee.

"Bummer."Yang sighed.

"Hey! Stop right there!"Patty shouted, catching the attention of Dante and Yang.

Patty went outside to catch a cloaked figure running away."Hey!"

Dante and Yang went outside however the figure was already gone.

"Ugh, he got away!"Patty said.

"Who was that? Did you see his face? What did he do?"Yang asked.

"I didn't see who it was and I saw him posting something on the wall."Patty said.

Dante walks over to the window and finds a sticky note posted on his window. He inspects it and the note read:


- Your buddy, Wade!"

"Oh great. It's him."Dante said.

"Who?"Yang asked.

"An old friend of mine. I'll be back in a bit. You stay with Patty while I'm gone."Dante said.

"Okay. Stay safe, honey!"Yang said as Dante waves with two fingers.

Later on, Dante then arrives at an abandoned tavern. He enters it and looked around.

"C'mon, Wade. Come out, come out."Dante called.

"That's what she said!"A voice called.

Suddenly a loud metal clang is heard and it reveals Dante clashing his weapon with a man wearing a red and black suit.

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