Mission 7: Once Upon A Time

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Grimm May Cry

Part 8

Meanwhile at the Grimm May Cry shop, Dante and Yang were leaning on the couch, slacking off. The door opened and Morrison walked inside.

"Hey, get up you two!"Morrison said.

Both Dante and Yang woke up from their sleep and yawned.

"What time is it?"Dante asked.

"Ngh...dunno."Yang yawned.

"Sorry I'm late for our meeting. Our client's train broke down along the way."Morrison said.

The door behind them opens and a man entered the shop.


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"Tony."The man said.

Dante tilted his head a bit."Huh?"

"It's me, Earnest. Don't you remember me?"The man asked.

Yang turned to Dante."You know him?"

"How do you remember someone you've never met before?"Dante said.

"Just the way you speak...you're Tony all right. No doubt about it."Earnest said

"Huh?"Dante said.

"I can understand why you'd rather not remember all of that. That was a terrible event. But at last, I can clear you and your mother's names! I found evidence! Evidence that it was all caused by a Grimm!"Earnest said.

Dante sighed and opened a can of soda."So what's this all about? You were late and then what you brought wasn't a job."

"And what the heck is this guy talking about?"Yang said

"I thought you two would be interested."Morrison said.

"No hard feelings but..we're not interested."Yang said.

"Well, let me fill you two right in. Twenty years ago, in a small port town called Morris Island, there was a fire that can't be wiped out by the whole town. The majority of townspeople died in the fire, leaving only a few survivors.  But afterwards, some of the survivors gave testimonials saying that an army of Grimms had attacked the town before the fire broke out. But nobody would believe their stories. I suppose not. But that guy who was here was one of those survivors."Morrison said.

"As was this "Tony"?"Dante asked.

"And his mother."Morrison said.

"So, what was that whole "clearing your names" part about?"Yang asked.

"People say that Tony's mother was responsible for setting that fire. She was apparently treated badly because of that."Morrison said.

"So what ended up happening to that mother?"Dante asked.

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