Ch 14

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The support departments workshop was relatively quiet with a few of class 1A talking to each other. When they first sort of understood that Izuku wasn't going to try and kill them they started to try and talk to him as he was Izumi's brother and one of the most interesting guys they had met in quite a while. However there plan on talking to Izuku fell through as he would not answer any of there questions and instead just stood there looking at them. After awhile of not getting anywhere the class just kind of spread out and talk to each other. The only one who stayed was Izumi as she hadn't seen her brother in a long time and didn't want to leave his side just yet. As the two siblings just stood there not saying anything Melissa started talking to Izuku.

Melissa: so who is that girl and why did you pat her on the head?

Izuku could almost hear the jealousy in her voice.

Melissa: is she your girlfriend?

Izuku shook his head no.

Melissa: did you already know her?

Izuku nodded yes.

Melissa was about to talk but Izuku actually beat her to it which shocked her as she only heard him talk one before. Izuku spoke only one word and it was in a low tone, almost a whisper.

Izuku: sister.

Melissa: oh.

Even though it was silent everyone in the room heard Izuku talk and that included Izumi.

Izumi: yes Izuku?

Izuku just looked down at his sister for a little bit and tried to decide weather or not he should talk to her like he did when they lived together. Izuku however didn't get the chance to decide as the doors to the support department were thrown open and standing in the door way was a woman who looked like she sprinted across town to get here.

Izumi: mom?

Izuku and Izumi's mom Inko Midoriya then looked over at Izumi.

Inko: sweetheart where is your brother?

Izumi then guest turned and looked at Izuku who was standing next to her. Inko then looked at the man that Izumi was look towards and understood what she meant. Inko then got a shocked expression as she looked at here once missing son who was know standing there covered in blood and wearing some kind of military suit. Inko then slowly began to make her way towards Izuku.

Inko: Izuku is that really you?

Inko was no standing in front of her son, her son she never thought that she would see again. Inko at this moment was on the verge of tears as she reached up in order to take off Izuku's helmet. Slowly Inko began to lift it off of Izuku's head as the rest of class 1A watched quietly. Inko fully taking off Izuku's helmet revealing his bruised and tired face. A face that said that he had be fighting no stop for a long time. Seeing his face the way it was made tears start to fall from Inko who looked at her son saddened by what happened to him.

Inko: Izuku.

Inko the gently cupped his face in her hands afraid that she would hurt him more if she pressed any harder.

Inko: Izuku what happened to you?

Just like with Izumi and everyone else in the room who tried to ask him questions Izuku didn't answer. This made his mother even sadder as her motherly instincts told her to take Izuku home and care for him until he is better. As she was holding his face she didn't notice that Izuku took off both of his gloves.

Inko: Izuku I.........

Izuku the reached up with both of his hands and put them on his mom's. Izuku then gently pulled his mom's hands off of his face.

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