Ch 7

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Izuku stepped threw the portal that will take him to the other island and when he did he was blind by a bright. The blinding light from being teleported didn't last long as Izuku was at the other island in only a second. As soon as the light faded Izuku saw that he was in a factory and he wasn't alone as there were three zombies scientists in the room with him. Izuku switched to his assault rifle and shot two of the zombies before they got to him. The third zombie managed to get close to Izuku before he could shoot him so Izuku preformed a turning round kick to the zombies midsection. Izuku was surprised at what happened when he kicked the zombie though as it completely blew in half when it made contact with Izuku's foot. Melissa saw this and was believing more and more that the doctors miss diagnosed Izuku as quirkless.

Melissa: I'm telling you Doom Guy I truly think you have a quirk and the doctors guest miss diagnosed you.

When Melissa first talked about this idea of Izuku being miss diagnosed and that he actually does have a quirk with Izuku he really didn't believe it. Now that he sees how strong he has gotten in only a day and all the other signs like him not being tied after a fight Izuku is also starting to believe that he was miss diagnosed. However in the back of Izuku's mind he doesn't want the miss diagnoses to be true because that would mean that for years he was bullied and forgotten about for no reason at all. Izuku can't explain it but for some reason that feels worse to him like it all could have been avoided. As Izuku was thinking about this Melissa was trying to get his attention.

Melissa: doom guy! Doom Guy!! DOOM GUY!!!

Melissa was finally able to get Izuku's attention and bring him out of his thoughts and back to reality.

Melissa: I think it's dead, you can stop attacking it now.

Izuku was confused by what she said and looked down at his hand and saw that he had ahold of the body of an imp that he decapitated by beating the crap out of it for so long. Izuku the looked around him and saw that he wasn't even in the same room anymore. Looking down the hallway in the direction Izuku assumed that he came from he saw a trail of demon bodies that looked like they lead all the way back to the room where he was teleported to. It looks like while Izuku was thinking to himself his body was on autopilot and went on killing demons without him relieving it.

Melissa: are you ok? When I drought up that you might be miss diagnosed you kind of spaced out. You also started to do what sounded like mumbling but with grunts instead of words and you continued to do it while you went on a rampage killing those things.

Izuku just stood there for a second.

Melissa: so, are you ok or is there something you want to talk about?

Izuku shook his head no.

Melissa: are you sure?

Izuku then nodded his head yes.

Melissa: ok then we better get going but if you ever want to talk we can talk ok.

Izuku nodded his head yes and began to make his way through the factory once again. As Izuku made his way through the factory island he began to notice that there was even more demons present here then on I-island. Sure so far they were only zombies and imps but still, Izuku wondered if the reason there were more here is because no one was here to stop them from growing in numbers. This thought made Izuku start to think that they aren't just coming through the portals just to come but that the demons might actually be trying to grow there forces to invade earth.

Melissa: Doom Guy turn left down the hallway coming up! There is something in the testing room at the end of the hall that I think you will like.

Izuku fully trusting in Melissa didn't even need to think about following her directions and immediately turned left down the hallway and continued to run to the testing room. As he was making his way to the test room like Melissa told him to do he was also running into demons but it was nothing that he couldn't handle. Actually it was very easy for Izuku to handle, it was almost safe watching the weaker demons try to kill Izuku. Izuku would just plow right threw them killing them, one of them imps Izuku killed by cutting its head off by shutting a door real hard on its neck. The hallway wasn't long and there wasn't many demons for Izuku to kill so he got to the door at the end of the hallway that lead into the testing room pretty quickly.

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