Ch 15

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Izuku made it back into the building that started this whole ordeal for him and without wasting an time began to make his way up towards the last of the portal machines showing no signs of stopping or slowing down until he got there. Busting threw a set of doors Izuku continued to shoot every enemy in site, zombies, imps or any other soldier of hell that the demon threw at him he would gun them all down and move on to the next one without breaking a sweet. Fueled by the strength of his fallen foes Izuku continued to bulldoze through the building, nothing strong enough to stop him. With the help of Melissa who is guiding him through the building Izuku is making his way towards the testing room with the portal machine at a insanely fast pace.

Melissa: this is the last of the portal machines and the amount of demons that you are running into as you get closer to it keeps on increasing. Most likely they know about you and are going to try and keep you from it the best they can so you should be careful as you continue forward.

As Melissa said that Izuku just got done grabbing an imp by its legs and launching it into a group of zombie security guards knocking them all over. After that Izuku push kicked a zombie scientist into the wall so hard that she was crushed do to the impact alone. Izuku then looked to his left and saw a hell knight charging at him and in one motion Izuku grabbed it by the neck forced it to the ground the proceeded to blow its head up with his double barrel shotgun.

Melissa: there is a good chance that they have something ready for you when you get up there so be ready for it.

It didn't take Izuku long to reach the big double doors that lead into the room with the portal.

Melissa: good luck Doom Guy.

With those last words from Melissa Izuku with one strong kick blew the door off there hinges and he ran inside only to see that the room was empty except for the red portal that was where the regular blue portal that Izuku and Melissa were used to should be at.

Melissa: this doesn't make any since at all. Why would they just leave there last way into are world unguarded like this?

Izuku began to make his was towards the computer to the portal so that they can shut it down and this whole mess can finally be over. But this can never be that simple for Izuku because as soon as Melissa tried to take control of the portal machine like they did so meany times before she found something that was definitely no good for them.

Melissa: oh no!

This got Izuku's attention quickly because oh no in the kind of situation that they are in could be world ending.

Melissa: I can't take control of the portal machine with this computer!

Izuku let out a grunt in frustration and confusion as to what Melissa said.

Melissa: it looks like Sam has figured out a way to take control of the portal machine with another computer, most likely in a similar way that I took control of them. You are going to need to find that computer and destroy it so that I can take control of the original computer to the portal.

Izuku began to look around the room in hopes that Sam was stupid enough to hide inside the building but he wasn't.

Melissa: I'll see if I can track the signal of the computer that took control of the portal machine back to its source so that you can find it but it's going to take a minute.

As Melissa began to track the signal to the computer a bunch of loud thudding noise was starting to be heard and they were getting closer and closer to the testing room with every thud. Izuku knowing that this can't be anything good turned towards the source of the noise saw three hell knights make there way into the room with him. The demons weren't alone though as a cyberdemon came in right after them.

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