Ch 19

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Izuku began firing his plasma rifle at the spider mastermind that used to be Sam aiming for its robotic features hoping to get the same results that he got when he fought the first cyberdemon. But instead of the mechanical legs getting destroyed by the plasma shots they were only somewhat scuffed up.

Izuku mind: the metal platting is a lot tougher then it was before, my guess is the demons have learned and what to make sure I don't succeed.

The spider mastermind then fired a laser beam at Izuku forcing him to roll to the side before getting back up onto his feet.

Izuku mind: so attacking the body is out but his head is still exposed so that will be were I aim.

Izuku then switched to his assault rifle and began to open fire aiming for the spider masterminds brain to kill it. To Izuku's surprise though the brain shots weren't killing it, sure they were doing more damage than when he attacked the demons Body but it still was going to take awhile to kill.

Izuku mind: maybe if I get closer I can do a lot more damage with my guns.

Switching guns again Izuku pulls out his pump action shotgun and sprinted towards the demon so that he could get on top of it so that he could shoot its brain at close range. Izuku got close to the robotic demon and leaped into the air so that he could get on top but while he was coming down the spider mastermind moved to the side away from him faster then Izuku had expected it to go.

Izuku mind: that things faster then I thought!

Izuku then looked to were the spider mastermind had moved to and so that it planned to hit him with one of its legs while Izuku was still in mid air.

Izuku mind: SHIT!!!!

Izuku just barely got his guard up in time before the spider masterminds leg slammed into him sending him tumbling hard across the floor. Izuku began to get back up but by the time he got to one knee the robotic demon was already fire another laser beam at Izuku again. To avoid getting cut in half by the laser Izuku dived to the side just as the laser reached him just barely avoiding being killed by the attack.

Izuku mind: I have a feeling I'm going to be fighting this thing for awhile.

Running around the room Izuku began to open fire on the spider mastermind with his pump shotgun gun aiming for the exposed brain as it seems to be the best place to attack the demon. With the pump shotgun Izuku is able to inflict a lot of damage on the demon but unfortunately it is nowhere near enough damage to slow it down or kill it. The spider mastermind in response to Izuku's attacks began to fire plasma like shots at him that resembled that of the shots from his plasma rifle.

Izuku mind: I guess the demons so how effective my plasma rifle was and decided to put one of there own on the new guy here. Sam probably even showed them how to make it, all though now that I think about it what else did he show the demons how make? Bows not the time Izuku, focus on the fight.

After firing the plasma shots the spider mastermind the fired another laser at Izuku in which this time Izuku was able to stay on his feet and just side step the attack. But the demon didn't stop there as it made the laser sweep to the side towards Izuku making him have to keep running from the laser that was now following him. Eventually though the laser stopped and Izuku saw this as a chance to get in close to hopefully doing some damage to the demon. Izuku charged in at the spider mastermind with his weapon ready but as he was running in Izuku saw the demon do something and before Izuku could even react a stone pillar shot up out of the ground hitting Izuku. The attack was so sudden and fast that Izuku was caught off guard and knocked onto his back on the ground. Izuku then began to try to get up.

Izuku mind: if it can already do all of the shit I've seen so far then what else can this damn thing do!

As if the spider mastermind knew what Izuku was thinking as soon as he was able to get up onto one knee the demon then electrocuted the whole floor and shocked Izuku. Izuku in response to this attack let out a roar filled with pain and anger. When the electricity finally stopped Izuku dropped back down onto the floor and laid there. As Izuku continued to lay there on the ground the spider mastermind began to make its way over to Izuku to finish him off while he is still down.

Izuku mind: come on you son of a bitch why aren't you getting up! Are you telling me that after all that we've been through that a little electricity is going to be what does us in! Have you decided to just let the demons that killed are teammates win! Are you going to let them win so that the can go on to kill are friends! Are you going to just let them kill Melissa to you bastard! GET THE HELL UP!

The spider mastermind was now right on top of Izuku with one of it's legs raised ready to bring it right down stabbing the tip into his back. Right as the demon went for the kill though Izuku rolled out of the way and right underneath the spider mastermind. Quickly switching to his double barrel shotgun Izuku began to pelt the underside of the demon as much as he could and was able the damage the spider masterminds plasma weapon so that it couldn't use it again. The spider mastermind the flipped itself over so that Izuku wasn't under it anymore more and quickly fired lasers out of multiple spots on its body. This forced Izuku to have to constantly jump, duck, and just move in order to not get sliced in half. Izuku was starting to get frustrated as every time he seems to start to get the upper hand on this thing it always pulls out a new trick. As Izuku was dodging lasers he also had to look out for pillars shooting up out of the ground training to hit him as the demon was going all out now.

Izuku mind: I must have hurt the thing more then a thought I did because now it's pulling out all the stops and is really coming after me now!

The spider mastermind then stopped all of its attacks and flipped back over so that it was right side up again. Izuku was going to take the opportunity to attack but saw that when the spider mastermind flipped back over it was immediately going to electrocute the floor again. Thinking fast Izuku ran and jumped up onto one of the pillar just narrowly avoiding the electricity on the floor. Once up on top of the pillar Izuku switched to his assault rifle so that he is able to make more accurate shots and began to shoot at the places he thought were the weakest on the demon. Izuku continued landing all of his shots and actually hurting the spider mastermind quite a bit. The spider mastermind getting tired of the attacks pulled out another one of its tricks and caused spikes to shoot out of the rock pillar that Izuku was on and successfully stabbed him in the feet. The pain caused Izuku to roar out in pain and fall off of the pillar on to the still electrified floor shocking him again. By the time the electricity stopped coursing through his body Izuku was extremely pissed off. Izuku was no longer just mad at the spider mastermind but furious.


A red mist like substance began to seep through all of the cuts in Izuku's suit and all of his wounds began to close up and heal. Izuku eyes began to turn a blood red as his gaze fell on the demon in front of him.


The spider mastermind then began to slowly make its way towards Izuku who had just gotten to his feet.  Izuku never looked away from the demons once as he got even more furious just looking at it. Then out of nowhere Izuku let out a mighty roar.


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