Ch 3

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The imps and zombies that were attacking Melissa and the security that went into the part of the building charged straight towards Izuku. Not wasting any time Izuku took his shotgun and opened fire on them. Because there was so mean and they were moving fast Izuku decided to just aim center mass in order to put them down fast and move on to the next target. Izuku found that because they were grouped together so close to each other that sometimes he could hit two of them with only one slug. Izuku shot one imp as it was charging up one of its fireballs and the demon ended up hitting the ground causing the fire ball to exploded taking a few more with it.
While all this was happening Melissa just watched in amazement and fear as Izuku ripped and tore through the horde. She watched as one man did what a whole team of mean couldn't do. But then she saw that more and more of those creatures were teleporting in out of nowhere. She knew that with the minimal amount of gear he had that he wouldn't be able to keep up with them forever. So Melissa ran to the elevator to try and get it open so that they could get away.
As Melissa was trying to get the elevator open Izuku was still fighting off the horde. But like all thing in izuku's life things took a turn for the worst as his shotgun ran out of shells. Not having time to reload the shotgun threw the damn thing as hard as his could at a zombie taking it's head off. An imp jumped at Izuku after he threw his gun, Izuku grabbed the imp by the neck in midair and choke slammed him to the ground. Izuku then proceeded to stomp on the imp head so hard that it's skull flattened and blood exploded from it. A zombie scientist decided to test his luck with Izuku, so Izuku ripped his arm off off his body and proceeded to beat the zombie with it. After that Izuku was able to pull out his sidearm and started shooting.
Melissa was have trouble opening the elevator door with her keycard as blood had gotten on the scanner. Eventually she was able to get the door open and called out to Izuku.

Melissa: hey, come on I gorge the door open let's go!

Izuku looked to were he heard her voice coming from and so that she was in the elevator waiting for him. Izuku knowing that he was low on ammo and option so he decided to retreat for now. Izuku made a mad dash for the elevator, as he did Melissa got read to close the doors. As Izuku was close she began to close them. Izuku leaped threw the doors as the closed and the elevator began to move.

Melissa: that was close.

Izuku do to the bulling isn't the best at talking to girl especially the pretty ones so he just nodded in agreement. Izuku then looked over at the elevator numbers and saw that they were going up and was confused, he thought for shore that this girl with him would want to leave the building. Melissa saw Izuku look at the numbers a figured he was wondering were they were going.

Melissa: my dad is the head scientist hear and his office is on the 30th floor. He built it himself, it's strong enough that even if the building begins to collapse the room will be fine.

The two eventually made it to the 30th floor and got off. Izuku with his pistol drawn was ahead of Melissa as she directed him on were to go. The two eventually made it to a set of big double doors.

Melissa: just behind those doors is a hallway, my fathers office is at the very end.

The two of them started towards the doors but Izuku stopped them, he could hear something coming from the other side. It was getting louder and louder and now Melissa could hear it too.

Melissa: what is that?

The thumping sound that they hard before all of a sudden stopped. Then out of nowhere the two double door got blown open so hard that they flew off the hinges. Threw the door came a demon unlike the others Melissa and Izuku seen before. The demon known as a hell Knight stood before them.

 The demon known as a hell Knight stood before them

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Melissa: what is that thing?

Izuku just stood firm with his pistol trained on the hulking figure in front of him.

Izuku mind: I'm going to need a bigger gun.

The hell knight jumped at Izuku and Melissa in an attempt to crush them both in one shot. Izuku was faster though as he was able to push Melissa out of the way then managed to roll away himself. After rolling out of the way Izuku got to his feet and opened fire on the beast. But just like Izuku expected, the pistol he had wasn't powerful enough to even slow it down.
The fight was just Izuku dodging attacks from the thing then shooting it anywhere hopping that the bullets would do something but the never did. Izuku dodged another jumping attack from the hell knight and went to open fire at close range this time in hopes that that would help. But in a fit of bad luck izuku's pistol jammed.

Melissa: LOOK OUT!!!!

The hell knight then threw a powerful back hand strike at Izuku connecting with his helmet. The strike dented izuku's helmet and sent him flying through a support pillar and through the door of a supply closet. Melissa thought for sure that Izuku was dead after a hit like that and the hell knight thought the same so it turned its attention to Melissa. At this put she was terrified and on the verge of tears as the beast started toward her. But the hell knight stopped in its tracks as the sound of a small engine revved to life from the supply closet drawing both the hell knight and Melissa's attention to it.
Out of the supply closet came Izuku running at the hell knight with a chainsaw in his hand. Izuku ran up on the beast and in a downward motion swung the chainsaw at the hell knight. It didn't know what the weapon Izuku was wielding so it went to grab the chainsaws blade with its hand. When it did the blade started to rip through the hand of the hell knight. Once the blade full cut it hand off the beast went for a big swing with its other fist, Izuku ducked under the attack then proceeded to cut through the center of the hell knight. Blood sprayed all over Izuku and the creature screamed in pain as Izuku cut threw him.
Melissa watched as the beast dropped to the ground in two different peace's. Her eyes then fell on Izuku and just stared at him before she began to tear up. She didn't know him long but she was already starting to believe that with him around she was going to be safe, that with him around they were going to make it out of this catastrophe alive maybe even beat these creatures. Izuku then offered Melissa a hand and the two walked down the hall to her fathers office. The two finally made it inside the room and for the first time in awhile they were able to rest, Melissa was exhausted but Izuku for reasons he couldn't explain felt even stronger and fast then before. Izuku couldn't help but wonder if something was happening to him.

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