Ch 5

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Fully prepared Izuku made his way out of the office with Melissa closing and locking the door behind him. Izuku did another quick check of all his gear to make sure he was ready. After Izuku was done with that Melissa's voice came on on the radio in his helmet.

Melissa: alright doom guy I put a camera in your helmet so that I can see what you see, this should allow me to better help you with shutting down the portals. I assume you're going to go try to shut down the portal on the top floor of the building next to this one. Well then I think you should know that that's not the only portal, in fact there is a total of 4 portals that are currently open.

Izuku mind: you have got to be kidding me.

Melissa: there is the one in the other building, then there is one on the top floor of this building. The third one is in one of are factors one another island and the last one is at U.A.

Izuku mind: how the hell am I supposed to shut all of them down.

Melissa: don't worry though because I'm checking now and as far as I can tell only the two here on I island are corrupted. But to be safe we better go ahead and shut them all down, and I have a plan to do just that. Listen closely doom guy, if you can make it to the top this building and get to the portal machine then you can help me connect to it and I can take control. After that all we have to do is send you to the other portals and repeat the process.

With the plan now laid out Izuku made his way back to the elevator. Once in side he hit the button to the top floor of the building. As Izuku was making his way up, Melissa was talking about how they were going to need to take control of the portal machine.
As she was talking though the something landed on the top of the elevator making a loud thud.

Melissa: what was that.

The emergency exit on the roof of the elevator began to get pealed back. As soon as the hatch was completely ripped off of the elevator an imp shot his head in, the imp however didn't have time to even let out a scream as its head was instantly blown off its neck. Izuku was immediately impressed at the power of his new shotgun, he had to admit that it was definitely an improvement in terms of power of his last one.
As Izuku was looking over and admiring his new super shotgun he heard a noise coming from the big hole in the elevator roof were the emergency hatch used to be.

Melissa: even I heard that. What is it?

Izuku then went and looked through the hole in the roof, at fist he didn't see anything but upon looking closer Izuku noticed that there was more imps in the elevator shaft. That's not all, one of the imps was about to cut the cable to the elevator with one of its fireballs. Seeing this Izuku immediately jumped and climbed through the hole on to the roof of the elevator.

Melissa: hurry up and get to the elevator door leading to the next floor up.

Izuku saw what Melissa was talking about and with all his strength jumped off the elevator and to the door. To Izuku surprise he nearly overshot the jump but made it to the door, once at the door Izuku pride it open and got inside. However the imps so what he was doing and went after him, they were now coming through the elevator door. But that's as far as they got as every time they were in sit of Izuku he blew them away with ease. In no time at all they were all dead.

Melissa: how good you are at this both scares me and gives me hope at the same time.

Izuku just nodes his head in response and walks away from the elevator door. Looking around the room Izuku saw that the this floors layout was open areas with computer desks connected to each room with hallways.

Melissa: the stairs should be on the other side, the hallway to your right should take you to it.

Hearing this Izuku began to make his way down the hall. Has he was coming up on a corner Izuku heated noise coming from the other side. Izuku got to the corner and carful looked around it. What he saw was a bunch of imps, zombies, and one hell knight.

Melissa: that looks like a lot to handle, what's your plan.

Izuku just checked his shotgun to make sure it was loaded.

Melissa: I'm guessing your plan is shoot them till there dead.

Izuku nodes his head yes in response, make Melissa let out a sigh.

Melissa: just don't die ok.

As she was saying this Izuku could hear a noise coming from behind him, and it sounded like it was coming straight at him as fast as it could. Izuku turned around just in time to see the thing slam right into him throwing him into the wall. The creature that did this to Izuku the charged at him again only this time Izuku was able to move out of the way of the pink bastard and it slammed into the wall.

Melissa: what is that thing?

Izuku didn't know what this thing was and he didn't have time to think about it as the noise from there encounter alerted the others that he was there

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Izuku didn't know what this thing was and he didn't have time to think about it as the noise from there encounter alerted the others that he was there. Izuku then charged into the horde with mutant Barney chasing after him. The first to attack was the hell knight with a big haymaker punch aiming for izuku's head. Izuku power slide under the attack and shot the hell knight in the leg as he did. This caused the hell knight to lose balance and drop to his knees. Izuku then jumped on it back and stuck the shotgun to its head completely blowing it up.
The big pink hell dinosaur then jumped at Izuku but he was able to dodge the attack but the imp that was behind him couldn't say the same. Zombies then ran at Izuku from all sides, but as they would get close they would just be blown away. An imp threw a fireball to try and hit Izuku but Izuku grabbed a zombie and used him as a shield. Izuku then shot the imp, as he did this he completely forgot about his pink friend.

Melissa: lookout!

Izuku looked over only to once again be met with Dino hell hitting him. The hit knocked the shotgun out of izuku's hand and threw him to the ground. Izuku had no time to get up as pinky was right on him trying to bit him. All he could do was try to back away will using his legs to kick and hold the beast away. Having and idea Izuku used enough strength and kicked pinky back just for enough for him to breath. The beast then charged right at Izuku but he didn't move.


Izuku didn't budge an inch as the thing ran at him and when it got close it opened its jaws as wide as it could ready to bite Izuku. But this is exactly what Izuku wanted, as soon as it went for the bite Izuku pulled out his chainsaw and shoved the blade down it's throat. Izuku then began cutting his way through pinky's skull and out the top of its head. After the beast fell to the ground dead, Izuku put the chainsaw away and went to retrieve his gun. Once he did Izuku moved on and started to make his way to the stairwell. As he was walking out of the room an imp tried to lunge at him but Izuku shoot it with the last shell in the gun and began to reload with out stopping or looking at the thing.

Melissa: like I said before scares me and gives me hope.

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