Ch 18

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Izuku with his double barrel shotgun in hand stared down the new cyberdemon that was in front of him then in a instant the demon created two rock wall on both sides of him again. Seeing this Izuku knew it was time to attack so as fast as he could Izuku charged at the cyberdemon. To Izuku surprise though he saw that the demon was also pretty fast for it being as big as it was and started firing missiles at him again. Unlike what happened last time though Izuku was prepared for this and began to dodge all of them as the missiles flew at him. Never breaking his stride Izuku successfully avoided every missile fired by the cyberdemon and managed to get in close to it. When he was right on top of it Izuku leaped at the cyberdemon but while he was in mid air the cyberdemon turned and hit Izuku hard with its clawed hand. This attack by the cyberdemon was hard enough to embed Izuku in the side of the cliff face that surrounded the open area. Pulling himself out of the rock wall Izuku dropped to one knee.

Izuku mind: ok the thing is a lot stronger then the last one was.......

Izuku looked down at his abdomen and saw that he had received gash from the cyberdemon's claw when it hit him.

Izuku mind: lets see it looks deep and is really bleeding........ I'm sure it will be fine and if not then that is future Izuku's problem.

Izuku then looked up and saw that the cyberdemon was aiming its weapon at him again only this time the center of it began to glow.

Izuku mind: I forgot they could do that!

Izuku quickly got up and got out of the way of the oncoming laser blast that was pointed straight at his skull.

Izuku mind: new plan, hit it harder!

Izuku then stopped running around the cyberdemon like he was doing and started running directly at it instead. As Izuku charged at the demon he switched out his double barrel shotgun for his assault rifle and began to open fire on the cyberdemon. The weapon didn't do any major damage to the demon but that was fine because all Izuku wanted to do was lay down suppressive fire so that he could get in close. The strategy worked and Izuku managed to get close enough to the cyberdemon so that it couldn't use its weapons on him. Once in close Izuku knew that his position wouldn't last forever so while he was in close he was going to deliver maximum damage so he switched to his double barrel shotgun and started blasting. The cyberdemon roared in anger from getting shot and from the frustration of not being able to get to Izuku. The demon kept trying to move so that it could reach Izuku but Izuku would move with it so that he stayed out of reach. This strategy worked for Izuku for a little bit but not forever as Izuku eventually misjudged where the cyberdemon was moving and that gave it the chance to attack. The cyberdemon shot a rock wall out of the ground towards Izuku forcing him to roll to the side avoiding it but when Izuku got to his feet again he was hit by a second rock wall that the cyberdemon sent his way when the first one missed. One of the sharp rocks from the wall managed to stab into Izuku's leg before the whole thing launched him backwards through the air. Izuku wasn't able to brace for his landing and hit the ground hard rolling head over heal before sliding to a stop face first in the ground. Slowly getting up Izuku saw that his leg was wounded.

Izuku mind: looks like one of those rock got me, I can still fight but this definitely slowed me down at least a little bit.

Looking forward Izuku saw the cyberdemon charging straight at him for the soul purpose of slamming him into the wall and crushing him to death. Izuku had an idea though and instead of moving he just stood there. Izuku waited for the demon to come and when it got close Izuku charged at it before sliding under it to get behind the cyberdemon. Doing this Izuku got the demon to slam face first into the rock wall dazing it and leaving it's back exposed. Tacking advantage of this Izuku climb up the back of the cyberdemon and once at the top he pulled out his chainsaw.

Izuku mind: how about I take a little off of the top for you.

Izuku then immediately pulled the chainsaws cord making the motor rev to life and jammed the blade of the machine into the skull of the demon. The cyberdemon roared out in pain as Izuku did this and began to try and grab him. Izuku seeing this jumped off of the cyberdemon's back while sill having the chainsaw in its head Izuku used gravity to help him make a clean cut from the demons head all the way down its back. After hitting the ground Izuku switched back to his double barrel shotgun just in time for the cyberdemon to turn around so that Izuku could fire both shot at the same time right into its head. The demon stood there for a minute and when Izuku finally turned and began to walk away the cyberdemon fell to the ground dead. Not wanting to wast anymore time Izuku immediately ran over to the cliff face and began to climb. Once he reached the top Izuku was honestly surprised by how easy it was to get up there.

Izuku mind: I honestly thought that it would hurt climbing up do to the cut on my stomach and the stab wound in my leg but it didn't hurt at all.

Izuku looked down at his injuries only to see that they had already closed up and all that was left to show that the they were once there was the visible scars and the blood.

Izuku mind: what exactly is the extent of this power? Doesn't matter right now I can think about it later because right now I have somewhere to be and something to destroy.

Izuku continued on making his way through hell in order to get to Sam so that he can destroy whatever he has that is controlling the portal machine, kill him, and then get his ass back home.

Izuku mind: destroy, kill, go home. What a plan.

After killing the new cyberdemon Izuku was able to make his way through hell with relative ease, at least as much ease as you can get in hell. The demons continued to send there horde at Izuku but as an unyielding force of nature that he was Izuku cut them all down and continued blazing a trail through hell that was littered with its demon soldiers. No matter what hell did they couldn't stop Izuku and eventually he reached his destination. Right in front of Izuku was a pit that had one hell of a drop but his map said that his destination was at the bottom so with out any hesitation he jumped. The fall was quick and Izuku landed in a pretty big room with a flat circular floor. On the floor was some kind of pentagram that Izuku both didn't know and didn't care about knowing what it was. All Izuku was focused on was the disfigured almost zombie like man struggling to stand up holding a laptop. Izuku had a pretty good idea that this was Sam. Izuku said nothing but Sam did talk.

Sam: they promised to help with my research, they promised so many things.

Izuku mind: did you really think that demons from hell would keep a promise?

As soon a Sam was done talking though he was immediately stuck with some kind of orange lightning. When then lightning stopped hitting him Sam fell to the ground. That's when the once solid rock floor seemed to change into blood and began to pull Sam in. What emerged from the blood though was not Sam.

Izuku mind: what the hell is that?

Standing before Izuku on the floor that changed once again back to rock was from what Izuku could describe some kind of some kind of robotic spider with it's brain fully exposed. The creature is known in hell as the spider mastermind.

Izuku mind: ok then

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Izuku mind: ok then.......

This time Izuku pulled out his plasma rifle believing that since this demon was mostly robotic that it would do more damage in the long run.

Izuku mind: LETS END THIS!!!!!!

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