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Izuku Yagi is the son of Toshinori Yagi and Inko Yagi. Izuku is also the older brother of Izumi Yagi. When Izuku was four years old he didn't show any signs of a quirk so he was taken to the doctor to get checked out. Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless. However this wasn't correct as Izuku did inherit a quirk, one similar to his father's. Izuku's quirk is he stockpiles the strength of any living thing he kills. So do to the nature of his quirk Izuku doesn't now about it. Do to thinking he doesn't have a quirk Izuku gets bullied at school and forgotten about by his parents who decided to focus on his sister and her powerful telekinesis quirk. Do to this Izuku turned into a socially distant person, who has a serious anger problem towards bullies and rude people, and has trained his speed and strength to deal with them. Izuku still wanted to be a hero but do to the belief that he is quirkless was denied membership to all hero highschools. Mad and not wanting to deal with the people in his life anymore Izuku left. Izuku changed his last name to Midoriya, lied about his age got his pet rabbit and left to go work as a security guard at the famous I-island. Do to Izuku being a naturally bigger guy thanks to his father Izuku was able to pass himself off as an adult and get the job as part of the security team. However do to Izuku's lack of experience and the fact that only pro heroes have permission from the government to use there quirks. The captain only gave Izuku a 9mm pistol to start out with and when he gets used to it he will get an upgrade. Izuku wasn't on I-island more then a week when the incident occurred. The scientists on I-island were working on there new teleportation machine when the accidentally opened a portal to hell and released hell on earth. As soon as the demons began to make there way out of the portal. The scientists called security and Izuku and his team suited up.

The security team moved out and made there way to the lab were the scientists were working on the portal

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The security team moved out and made there way to the lab were the scientists were working on the portal. When they got there the team made there way inside the facility but do to Izuku being the new guy the captain made him stay outside on lookout to make sure no one gets in or out.

Captain: we don't know what we're dealing with boys. Stay alert. Midoriya!

Izuku: yes sir!

Captain: stand guard out here and make sure no one gets in or out.

Izuku: yes sir!

Izuku was pissed to say the least. He didn't want to just stand outside while his teammates made there way into an unknown situation without his help. But there was nothing Izuku could do about it, he had to fallow the orders given to him by his captain.
Izuku has been waiting out front on guard for over twenty minutes without a word or update from them. Izuku was starting to worry about his team when all of a sudden blood curdling screams of pain and fear came threw izuku's radio in his helmet. Now Izuku didn't care, orders be damned he was going in there to help his team. Izuku pulled out his pistol and loaded a round into the chamber. Now ready Izuku made his way inside the building. Once in Izuku noticed that the power was out and the hallway was lit by red emergency lights. The farther Izuku went down the hall the more damages there was.
Izuku turned the corner of the hall and continued down, once Izuku was halfway down the hall he started to hear noises. Izuku never heard noises like this before and didn't know what it belonged too. Izuku could eventually tell that the noise was coming from behind him and wiped around as fast as he could. That's when Izuku came face to face with what he only could describe as a demon.

After seeing the creature right in front of him he immediately opened fire and put three holes in the thing chest

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After seeing the creature right in front of him he immediately opened fire and put three holes in the thing chest. Izuku quickly noticed that that only slowed down the beast a little but it didn't fully stop it. Izuku then changed were he was aiming on the thing and this time fired into its head. This dropped the creature but Izuku couldn't stop as he heard more coming down the hall from were he needed to go. Learning that his pistol only seemed to be effective against this thing when used on the head and at a close range Izuku started to move towards the creatures and when the were in range aimed for the head and fired. It seemed like no matter how many Izuku killed more took there place. Eventually Izuku decided to cut threw a room to get to the elevator so he could get to the top floor with the portal. However when Izuku burst threw the door he was meet by those same creatures, Izuku went to do the same tactic he has be, only this time he was met by those same creatures shooting balls of fire at him.

Izuku mind: SHIT!!!!

Since the room was more of an open space with only four pillars that could be used as cover Izuku instead decided to keep moving around the room being a moving target instead of a sitting target. While doing this Izuku was shooting the creatures in the head, some needed more shots to take down but one by one they all eventually died. After killing all the enemies in the room Izuku stopped to rest for a second, this however only made him realize that he wasn't tired. In fact he wasn't very winded from all the running ether. Izuku also noted that his armor felt lighter too. Chalking it up to adrenaline Izuku decided to ride its coat tail and keep pushing forward hoping to find his team before he crashed.
Looking around the room Izuku saw a sign that said elevator with an arrow pointing to were it is at. Izuku ran down that hall only to find the elevator doors blocked by debris. Izuku then seen a sign for the stairwell and decided that he would go up a couple of floors and get on the elevator there. Izuku then made his why up the stairs and was met by the imps again, however Izuku seeing what they could do and knowing where to shot them with here pistol took care of them fairly quickly.
Izuku went up three flights before he thought it was the best time to get off. Izuku open the door to the stairwell and quickly looked around. Izuku looked and didn't see anything around until he looked over by the elevator and saw what looked like one of his teammates. Izuku took another quick look around and started to move over to him slowly. As Izuku got closer he could tell that something was wrong. When Izuku was almost right up on his teammate the guy turned to face Izuku.

The security guard then let out a blood curdling roar that could scare an ape

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The security guard then let out a blood curdling roar that could scare an ape. The security guard then aimed his shotgun at Izuku and tried to shoot him. Izuku was fast though and pushed the gun a way from him so he didn't get hit. Izuku the fires two shots into the zombie guards head killing him. The guard then fell to the ground leaving Izuku standing there with a pump action shotgun in one hand and a pistol in the other still aiming at were the guard was just at. At this point Izuku only head one thing in his mind.

Izuku mind: WHAT THE FUCK!!!

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