Ch 10

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In the courtyard of the hero school known as UA there stood to titans facing each other nether one moving an inch with the only other one near by watching knowing deep down that this wasn't going to end well. One of the men of was the famous pro hero All Might and the other his son Izuku who now pretty much goes by Doom Guy. As the two faced off All Might was unaware that it was his son that has been gone for some time now that stood in front of him.

AM: I don't know who you are or why you're here but it would be wise of you to give up now and surrender peacefully.

Izuku didn't say anything and continued to just stand there and watch his dad.

AM: if you don't surrender I promise that this is going to end badly for you so just give up now while you still can and you won't get hurt.

Again Izuku didn't say anything and instead he started to remember all the times that he wanted to spend with his father like any son would but his dad would always have something else to do and it would alway be with his sister.

Izuku mind: to think this is the most he has taken an interest in me for a long time and it's not even me he's focused on but Doom Guy.

At this point Melissa couldn't keep quiet anymore, she knew how strong both her new friend was and All Might was. She didn't want to see ether of them get hurt in a unnecessary fight.

Melissa: Doom Guy this fight is pointless please we have more important things to do and very little time to do it!

Izuku knew she was right they had to make sure they had control of the portal before the demons could get to it.

Izuku mind: she's right the portal comes first, fighting with my dad would be pointless anyway.

Izuku then turned away from All Might and began to walk back to the school.

Izuku mind: got to get to the portal fast.

As Izuku was walking he was grabbed but the wrist and when he turned to look he saw that it was All Might who grabbed him. All Might then used his strength to through Izuku back away from the school.

AM: I can't allow you to go back in there.

Izuku began to stand up off the ground and started to walk towards the school again but with All Might standing in his way this time. Izuku walked straight up to All Might who now stood directly in front of him.

AM: you aren't getting any clos.......

All Might didn't get to finish what his was going to say as Izuku grabbed him and just like what All Might did to him Izuku threw All Might out of his way so that he could go in side. Izuku then took one glance over at All Might as he was getting up off the ground before continuing into the building.

Melissa: please don't do stuff like that because it's only going to start a fight and I don't want to see you get hurt.

This caused Izuku to stop in his tracks for a minute.

Melissa: I know you're strong but so is he so please don't start a fight.

Izuku began to walk towards the school again but because he stopped and stood there after hearing what Melissa said it gave All Might enough time to get up and when he did he flew right at Izuku and punched him in the side of the head. Luckily Izuku was wearing a helmet but the force of the punch was still enough to side Izuku flying back and hitting the ground hard.

AM: stay done before you really get hurt!

Izuku began to get up off the ground and as he was he began to breath heavier and heavier. Melissa could hear his breath and knew that he was starting to get angry.

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