Ch 9

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Even though disaster struck I-island and the factory island that I-island uses to mass produce there technology in the form of a demonic invasion from what David Shield believe to be Hell itself, for the rest of the world it was just another average day. This was especially true for Musutafu Japan home to the world famous hero school UA where the students were going about there day like they normally did. Things were about to change for them as inside the school in one of its many supply closets used by the custodians a blue portal opened up. From the portal Melissa's father David came flying out and landing face first on the ground, following shortly behind him was Izuku who just stepped through.

David: was throwing me really necessary?

Izuku nodded his head yes in response to David question.

David: well what's done is done I guess. Let's just focus on shutting done that portal ok. I will go out first and go get a teacher and explain thing so we don't cause trouble. While I'm doing that it would be best if you wait........

David look behind him at where Izuku was only to see that he was gone. David then turned to the door of the closest that they were in only to see it swung wide open with Izuku nowhere in sight.


David then finished getting up off of the floor and ran out the door to go find Izuku.

David mind: because Doom Guy ran off I just know things are going to get bad!

Back with Izuku he was moving done the hallways at a frightening speed, this speed however got the attention of certain quirked animal thing that no one can ever seem to fully understand. The principal of this famous school principal Nezu who was watching Izuku on his computer.

Nezu: oh my it seems that we have an intruder in the school. Well I better warn the teachers.

Nezu then hit some button and an alarm sounded through out the school. This alarm was the alarm that went off to let the teachers now when there was an intruder. When the alarm went off it caught Izuku off guard and he stopped to look around to see if he tripped some kind of switch of something.

Melissa: it looks like then know that you're here Doom Guy and I have no way to communicate with them and I no you won't say anything so just try to avoid the hero's. Oh and if you have to fight please don't kill them ok.

Izuku gave Melissa an ok sign with his fingers and continued running done the hallway. As this exchange between Melissa and Izuku happened the school's teachers locked there students in there classrooms and left to go find the intruder. Normally they would evacuate and they were about to do just that but Nezu contacted them and told them that locking them in the rooms would be best since the intruder was already in side. After making sure the students were safe the teachers began there search for the intruder. The first of the teachers to come across Izuku was Snipe.

Snipe mind: got to find this guy fast. Hopefully it won't be too difficult.

As Snipe was running down the halls he went to round a corner and when he did he ran right into Izuku. Snipe hit the ground while Izuku easily remained on his feet as if no one had even ran into him. After Snipe hit the ground he looked up and saw the muscle Izuku in his intimidating combat suit standing over him. Izuku went to help the pro hero up but when he did Snipe took it as a attack and slid away pulling out his guns as he did.

Snipe: OH SHIT!!!

When Izuku saw Snipe pull out both of his guns he used his superior speed to get to Snipe and grab his wrist pushing the guns away so that he was no longer in the line of fire. That didn't matter though as Snipe's quirk homing lets him control the trajectory of the bullets in his gun. Because of the Snipe fired to shots and made the bullets he fired turn in mid air and hit Izuku in the back. The attack from Snipe made Izuku let out a growl of pain and anger but luckily for Izuku the Snipe being a hero didn't aim for any vital spots on his body.

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