chapter 10

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we'd been on the coach for almost a day. the journey take almost 34 hours. but since we had to stop every couple house it took even longer. the coach driver, Robert, told us that we had been staying in this motel on rout 23 for the night and we were almost there.  even though me and el had been sitting on are asses all day we were both exhausted.

we finally pulled into this motel, it had a huge illuminated sign saying vacant and there was a pool. but it was empty and filled with garbage. the coach came to a sudden halt and el jolted forward as she was asleep. she woke up in a shock, i gentilly nudged her on the shoulder and she gave me a dazed smile.  

"where here," i said quietly, whilst stretching and grabbing mine and el duffels. 

"in California?" she asked confused. " I've been asleep for that long," 

"no," i answered giggling. " we are just at a motel, to stay the night,". i could tell eleven was exhausted, and that's why she didn't answer back. she got up and put out her hand to take her duffel. i shook my head and turned to get off the coach. she grabbed her backpack and followed me. 

we got to the front desk and behind a dirty clear wall there was a woman, she was chewing gum really obnoxiously. 

"Double or single?" she asked. of course i wanted to say double, but I'm not sure this woman looks super openminded. 

"two singles,"  i said back handing her the money. she took it out my hand and handed me two keys labelled 34 and 35. 

"dont lose them," she said before shouting NEXT.

i walked up to the second floor and found room 35. i unlocked it and dumped els bag on the floor. 

"you can stay in this room and ill stay in 34," i said placing her key on the night stand next to her bed.

"max i wanna stay with you," she said so innocently. 

" i know el, me to," i said pulling her sheets back and laying her down on the bed, " but we can share a room, we might get in trouble, "  

"why?" she asked now wide awake, ish

"Because ,  i dont know, some people don't like us. the way we are," i said tucking her in "do you understand," 

"no," she said blankly,

" i talk to you tomorrow, okay," i said after walking out the room.

i walked into my room and threw my stuff on the floor. i threw on one of billy's old shirts, that i wore as PJ. i got into my bed and switched off my lamp. As i finally started to drift off, there was a gentile knock at my door. 

i got up and looked through the peep whole, i then quickly opened the door and pulled eleven in quickly slamming the door behind her. i wanted to be mad at her, to tell her we couldn't be caught in the room together. But she just looked so cute. her hair was crazy but super cute, she could barley keep her eyes open. It was adorable.

"max i can't sleep," 

"okay fine," i replied, before she crawled into my bed, and i got in after her. i lied down on my back, my arm touching elevens. She was lying on her back too. i reached up my arm and switch off the lamp, for the second time.

we laid in silence for about a minute, before el broke the silence. 

"max," she said, while turning onto her side to face my,

"yeah," i replied, whilst turning onto my side to, so we were facing each other. our faces inches apart.

"you never told me," el whispered, 

"tell you what?" i asked confused,

"told me why people dont like us," 

"people just don't think girls should kiss other girls," i said sorrowfully.

"but hop said its okay," el replied so innocently

"yes but hop good, he love you, he's your dad, and pretty cool i guess,"

 "other people aren't cool, like hop."

"yeah that's right, not everyone is cool like hop,"

"Mouthbreathers?" el said

"yeah, Mouthbreathers," i said before turning back onto my back.

i couldn't get to sleep for the life of me. i kept tossing and turning. but every time i closed my eyes i was back in that house. hearing the screams from my below. it made  my blood run cold in my veins, and sent shivers down my spine.

i felt that overwhelming feeling, that started to consume my body. i started to shake, and every bad thought that ever crossed my mind started  racing through my head, at a mile a minute. my heart couldn't keep up with my head, and it started pounding, every beat knocked more breath out of my chest. i could hear my breathing get quicker and louder and more painful.

i got up and stumbled like i was drunk toward the bathroom. as i fell into the bathroom i gabbed  onto the handrail, and slowly sat down on the floor, with my back against the wall and my knees tucked up against my chest.


i was trying to get to sleep, but thought kept running round in my head, like a broken record. i was worried about max. she kept tossing and turning in the bed. i desperately just wanted to hug her and fall asleep holding onto her. 

suddenly her breathing became noncable loud and quick. she got up and headed to the bathroom, i thought at first she actually was going to the toilet but, like before her breathing got quicker and quicker. i could hear her sobs.

so i got up and carefully walked into the bathroom.

"max," i whispered. she lifted her head which was previously buried in her hands. her lip quivered and a single tear rolled done her face. My heart broke. for her. She had been fighting for so long, she deserved a break. 

i wasn't sure what to do, so i just sat down next to her . i gentilly laid her head in my  lap, and stroked some lose strands of hair behind her ear. i was getting a diabolical sense of Deja vu to when this happened in Hops cabin. But all I could do was hope that, once max was back in California she start getting better.

Anyway, this chapter is a bit short, its just over 1000 words. But i need to write this to build up to the next chapter.  thanks for reading love you lots


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