chapter 18

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Casey watched as the two girls stood in a hug, she slipped past them into the living room towards lalia, leaving the two younger girls alone.

After a minute eleven began to loosened her gip on max, but max didn't dare let, she held her her tight to el and kept her face hidden nuzzled into her neck,

"Max, honey do you wanna go get you cleaned up, your all wet," eleven said softly only loud enough for max to hear, she nodded and let go of el looking down at the puddle on the floor where she stood.

Eleven took her hand and led her into the bathroom, max sat down on the closed toilet seat lid and pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them. She watched as the brunette took the bath plug and put it in the drain, she turned on the faucet to high volume and dribbled some bubble bath into the bath and watched as the water frothed up the bubbles at the bottom of the bath.

Eleven took a clean dry towel off the back of the bathroom door and folded it onto the side of the sink,

"ill g-go," she smiled awkwardly kissing Maxes forehead and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Eleven wandered into the living room, where she was greeted by lalia snuggled up in Casey's side with a blanket covering them and sam sitting at the small kitchen counter on an old bar stool, fiddling with a rubix cube, he heard eleven approaching and look up, taking his glasses off his face and placing the gentle on the table.

he looked up toward eleven with a concerned look on his face, eleven smiled to reassure him everything was okay and he turned back to his rubix cube,

"El, come sit," Casey said patting the empty space next to her on the couch.

Eleven made her way over to the couch and sat down watching the movie that was already on the tv,

After 45 minutes the movie ended and the girl sat chatting as the movie credit rolled down the screen,

"Casey im gonna go home, my dad needs help in the shop tomorrow, " Lalia said taking the blanket off her lap and walking towards the door,

"Bye sam, bye el," she yelled as she left and her footstep got quieter as she descended down the stairs.

casey got up and switched the tv off and left toward her room, "Night guy,"

"Night case," sam replied still transfixed by his rubix cube,

"good night casey," eleven said before raising her wiry legs and walking towards maxes room.

"Goodnight Mr Mayfield ," eleven said softly,

"El," he said back,

"Sorry, sam- goodnight sam,"

"Night kid," sam replied.

Eleven gently opened the door to maxes bedroom, she pushed open the door and felt hit what felt like a wall, she tried pushing the door a little harder but it wouldn't budge. The door would only open a slither so eleven couldn't see what was blocking the door. She resisted the urge to use her powers as sam was sitting just a few feet away in the kitchen.

"Max," she whispered through the small opening in the door, " please let me in," . No response.

She sat on the outside of the door for a few minutes to see if the door would open, but to no surprise it didn't. Eleven didn't want sam to see that max had locked her out so she went to hide in the bathroom until she heard Sam go into his bedroom, eventually after waiting sitting on the toilet lid elevens eared pricked at the sound of footsteps dragging on the carpet and then the sound of a door clicking shut. She waited a few minutes to make sure that sam wasn't going to come back out and then creped from the bathroom to the living room where she laid down on the couch and covered herself with a blanket that was too thin and didn't really do much to keep her warm.

Eleven laid on the dark empty room shivering and cold, she could hear a constant stream of people walking past the bar or people on the beach. she could feel the vibrations of loud music from people on the beach rattling through the houses walls.

The brunettes eyes weren't at all tired she stared blankly at the dim flickering light shining through the doors to the balcony. Her brain was shuffling from thought to thought, but like a broken record kept returning to the same thought. I want to go home. I want to sleep in my own bed. I want to see Hop. I need to go home. Eleven knew she could stay here forever and the only reason she came in the first place was to be with max, but max is shutting her out . literally. As her brain kept spinning in loop she heard a faint nose of the bottom of a door frame dragging along the carpet. then the sound of two slow feet walking towards eleven. she could only faintly see the outline of a person in the dim light of the street lamp outside. she didn't know whether it was casey or max, but she knew it wasn't sam because she could see a outline of wild long hair.

"El?" a faint soft voice said.



im sorry,"



"Its okay max,"

"No, it not el, "

"Max come here sit down, i cant see you,"

Max walk slowly towards el as she got closer to her she became more clear, she sat down next to eleven on the couch.

"Max, why are you crying?"

"Eleven i'm so sorry,"

"For what max, i-i dont understand,"

"Im sorry for dragging you down with me, for brining you to California, for making you miserable, for making everything so much more difficult than it has to be."

"Max yo-,"

"No eleven i can't keep ," max stopped and took a deep heavy sigh, "I can't keep doing this,"

"Doing what?"

"This, Us,"


"Eleven say something,"


"Yo-you don't love m-me?"


"Its just better if you go back to Hawkins where you belong and i stay here where i belong,"


"You didn't answer,"

"Ill sleep in Casey's room you can sleep in my room, its too cold out here,"

"Max answer!"

"My dad can get you a ride to Hawkins tomorrow,"

"Max!" eleven yelled she felt a swelling in her through and a pain in her chest as max got up and walk away,

"So that's it then,"


"Max for god sake answer me,"


Hi everyone just a little update for you all because i haven't updated in so long and im sorry I've been busy, enjoy

Guy i'm so sorry abt the confusion i don't know how this story got marked as completed as it's far from that and the next chapter is still in my drafts and is nearly ready to be published, so sorry for any confusion hope you enjoy the next chapters


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