Chapter 13

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"What the hell are you doing back here kid?" Maxes dad spluttered as he stumbled slightly forward and a little bit of beer slipped over the lip of his pint glass.

"I left, Hawkins is such a snooze uno, so i thought . . . uno why not come home," max said, el could sense the nervousness' in her voice, as if she was speaking to a complete stranger.

"Huh, sweet," her dad said taking a sip of his drink and  then resuming talking, "So, who's the brunette?" he asked,

"Oh umm . . . this is e-,"

"Jane!" el butted in,

"Yeah, um jane, yeah i just call her el as a nick name- its an inside joke kinda thing," max recovered,

"Right, nice  . . . do u to wanna come it or just stand out here in the cold all night," 

"Right yeah," max said picking up hers and els duffels and following her dad into the bar. They walked through the door and began to manoeuvre there way through the tables and barstools max kept looking back to check el was oaky as they passed more loud drunk men yelling across the table at each other. they eventually stopped to the open part of the bar were there wasn't as much of a crowd. maxes eyes were lit up like stars as she looked around the bar, it was like she had never left.

"Hey Tina, Debbie look who it is," maxes dad said hitting the bar top as two woman turned around,

"Max!" one of the woman said running out from behind the bar and embracing max in a tight hug,

The other finished cleaning a pint glass and walked over giving max a glance up and down then smiling. 

"Well haven't you grown up young lady, look at you, look at this hair," the woman said cheerfully whilst stroking the top of maxes head,

"Oh el, this is my auntie Tina," max said referring to the taller of the two woman with long dark ginger hair and orange freckles, "And this is my cousin Debbie," max finished now referring to the other girls, she had dark brown hair and look oddly like max,

"Hi ," el said shyly ,

"Sup," Debbie replied offering her hand for el to shake, el took her hand and shook it briefly before returning swiftly to maxes side. 

"are you staying," Tina asked as her initial excitement started to die down,

"At least for now yeah," max said smiling at el reassuringly,

"You two wanna stay down here and have a few drink," Maxes dad asked refilling his glass,

"Umm were pretty tired from travelling all day, can we just head upstairs," max said,

"Yeah, yeah of course dude, the key is in the usual spot if you remember it, " maxes dad replied,

"Yeah i remember," max chuckled slightly before leading el toward a door behind the bar and the shelves of drinks. She opened the door and closed it behind el after she entered the room. it was a tiny room filled with stakes of cheap boxed wine and beer,

"We are sleeping here?" el questioned,

"No, no, no," max laughed, "We are sleeping in my room upstairs in my dads apartment, he lives upstairs because him and my auntie own the bar, but my auntie lives next door with my cousins Debbie, Casey and Liam," max finished and began to wiggling  a little slot of wood out of the wall and taking the door key hidden behind it, then unlocking the door and putting the key and wood plank back where they were. 

"Cummon, " max said as she started to climber the thin steep staircase. 

Once el reach the top she was hit with a familiar smell, it smelt just like Hers and hops cabin, like cigarettes and whiskey, but in a good way. there was a old green coach that had dents in the two worn down cushions. There was a small fold down table with an ash tray full on cigarette buts and a mostly empty glass of something. there was a small balcony that sat above the bar and a tv opposite the couch that was playing, so max grabbed the remote off the floor and switched it off. on the other side of the room was a tiny kitchen that only had a mini fridge a, two burner  stove top, microwave and breakfast bar the separated the kitchen and living room, el followed max down a corridor with three door, max stopped in the hall and look at el, 

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