Eventful Day Indeed

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I woke up in the middle of the night due to the lack of warmth beside me. I opened one of my eyes to take a peek and there I see Jungkook sitting by the window, looking through some Polaroid pictures that were in a box.

With a sigh, I sleepily sat up and let out a yawn. Jungkook glanced from his shoulders and saw me slowly getting up from bed.

He scoots over a bit to give me space to sit down beside him. Once I did, I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and rested my head on him. I took out one of the pictures and examined it.

"Can't sleep again, Kook?"

I whispered as softly as I can, like we're sharing deep dark secrets. Jungkook only shook his head a bit and took out another picture.

"Just feel like going through some old memories..."

Jungkook has a talent for photography; he did major in it for his college. The way he views the world is unique and finds beauty in anything that's portrayed as ugly to others.

College is also the time he and I met, he changed my life and I found myself wanting to give everything to him. You could say it was love at first sight... platonically of course.

"Look hyungie, the time you wanted to learn how to paint"

"Looks ugly..." before Jungkook could whine, I continued "Both the person and the painting"

"Don't be mean to your young self, Jiminie hyung"

I didn't respond, instead I just closed my eyes and listened to my best friend's soft voice, lulling me to sleep.

"College was fun, I had many good experiences there... especially when I have my hyung with me"

I'm the type to keep going to college even when I finished my courses. I love to learn new things, plus I have the money for it so it wasn't hard to go back.

I only stopped after meeting my best friend.

"I still find it weird on how you're so popular, but you don't have a circle of friends, hyung"

"Please, I can tell their intentions were only after my money, Kook" I scoffed remembering the fakes in our college.

"You know I'd rather be alone than be with those gold digging snakes"

"But how did you know I wasn't one of them?"

How can anyone not know?

I smiled softly when I remembered how confused and lost little Jungkook was. He was so adorable with a pout and furrowed brows, when I saw him I can't help but approach the cutie.

Every lunch break I kept seeing him in the garden taking pictures of flowers, playing with the stray cats, humming a melody... but mostly...

.....crying alone.

My heart broke after noticing how much he cries a lot. I vowed to myself to befriend him and make him the happiest person. I never regret meeting this little one.

"I just think cuties like you couldn't do any harm"

I giggled after hearing a sigh come out of Jungkook. He just ignored what I said and kept humming while taking out pictures.

Silence came and I was confused when he stopped, slowly lifting my head from his shoulder. There I see him looking down on a picture with an unreadable expression.

Curious, I checked what it was and it immediately put a frown on my face.


I reached out my hand to caress his hair in a comforting way.

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