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"so" ron started.

"so?" i asked.

"have you heard from draco recently?" ron asked.

"what? no. why would i?" i said with a confused expression.

"did you not hear? apparenlty he has a little thing for you" ron waggled his eyebrows at me.

"what? no he didn't" i was genuinely shocked to find this out, i'd always thought draco hated me.

"told you girls are clueless" ron shrugged and smiled, clearly proud of himself.

"oh shut up" i lightly smacked his arm.

"so, do you like him?" ron asked.

"what? no! of course i don't are you crazy" i replied, slightly offended.

"well it's not like you tell me who you like anymore" ron said.

"well you don't tell me either" i raised my eyebrows and shrugged.

"okay you win" he said, giving into the discussion.

"as i always do" i said with a smirk on my face.

"aw you two are boring!" hermione shouted, realising we weren't in the water anymore.

"took you long enough to realise i was gone!" i shouted back, laughing. she laughed and her and harry jumped out and came over to us. by this point the sun was setting, so it was getting colder. ron and me were laying next to eachother one one picnic blanket and harry and hermione were on the other one.

"here" ron said before sitting up and grabbing a blanket and putting it over me.

"it's as if you read my mind" i laughed. i moved closer to ron and rest my head on his chest, wrapping the blanket over him aswell. he stroked my forehead as we watched the sun set.

"come on, your falling asleep" i heard ron say, he gently shook my shoulder.

"okay okay" i opened my eyes and it was dark. we quickly packed the picnic up and i wrapped the blanket around my shoulders. harry and hermione walked ahead.

"scared yet?" ron asked before we started walking.

"nope" i replied. ron knew i was terrified of the dark.

"whatever you say" we started walking the 15 minute walk back to the burrow. about 5 minutes in, i heard rustling coming from a bush next to us.

"did you hear that?" i whispered to ron.

"no i didn't hear anything" he replied, confused. suddenly, a bunny jumped out from the bush. it wasn't the bunny what scared me, i thought i should clarify that. anyways, out of fear i jumped and grabbed rons hand without realising.

"alright?" he asked, smirking and laughing.

"oh shut up" i said before grabbing onto his arm and walking back to the burrow. when we got back, the others decided to sit downstairs for abit and reminisce about how good the day was. me on the other hand was far to exhausted for that, so i headed up to the room and changed into my pyjamas before slipping into bed and instantly falling asleep.

"wakey wakey sleeping beauty" i heard as someone shook me.

"what?" i groaned without even attempting to open my eyes.

"get up you lazy shit" i heard rons voice say.

"okay okay i'm up" i said as i sat up.

"get ready!" ron said as he walked out the room. i quickly put on some leggings and a hoodie and chucked my hair into a quick bun before heading downstairs.

"good morning dear! do you mind helping me out with the cooking for today?" molly asked politely. it took me a second but then i realised it was the day of the party.

"of course, what do you need help with?" i said and smiled as i walked over to her.

"just chop those vegetables up for me please dear" she said with a wide smile before heading outside to set up the tables for later.

"hi" ron said as he walked over to me.

"hello there ronald" i joked.

"watch ya doing?" he said as he leaned against the counter to face me.

"being helpful" i raised my eyebrows and smiled. as i looked up i managed to slice my finger with the knife.

"shit" i said as i looked down at the large cut on my finger.

"oh god, here" ron turned the kitchen tap on and gently put my hand under the cold water.

"obviously you'd manage that" he laughed. i looked down at my other hand what was covered in blood.

"oh" i said with wide eyes.

"it's fine i'll clean you up" he said with a smile as he lifted my chin up to avoid me from looking at it any longer.

"yeah it's just my hairs tickling my face" i said as i flung my head back trying to get the hair out of my face. ron just laughed at me.

"here" he stepped closer to me and slowly tucked my hair behind my ear. the whole time i couldn't help staring into his eyes, there was an unbelievable amount of tension in the air.

"well i'll see you later yeah?" ron said, breaking the silence.

"yeah, bye" i felt my cheeks blushing, ron simply smiled and walked out the room to leave me to go back to attempting to chop up vegetables.


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