A Not So Perfect Stranger

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Let me just say one thing. Waking up with a massive headache and various throbbing body parts sucks monkey butt. Yes, I mean monkey butt. There was someone laying next to me and I was freaking out. Of course I didnt run because I didnt even want to move. I took deep breaths and tried to calm down. It was that guy from yesterday.  Again. Why is he always in my bed?! I swear, some people are just soo touchy. I groaned and tried to roll away from him. And god dammit! it hurt like hell. He pulled me back to his chest when I got to the edge of the bed. Holy crackers his chest was warm...and soft, so so soft. I just wanted to bury my face in his chest and never leave. I sighed and laid my head on his chest. It felt good, so why not.

"You should stop rolling, Zoi mou. Everytime you roll, you end up hurting yourself."

His voice came from above my head, it was husky from just waking up and it sounded absolutely delicious.  If his voice was food I would so eat it everyday. I blushed of course because he was right. Everytime I got hurt I seemed to be rolling. Maybe I would roll to my death. His hand caressed my cheek and my face turned dark red. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we were in a compromising position with me on top of his chest and our legs intertwined. Or that forbidden places seemed to grow warmer the more he touched me. Nope,  I definitely wasnt blushing for that. He tilted my head up until I was staring into those gorgeous green eyes. He smiled and I continued to look at him, enraptured in his beauty. He forwned after a while and it kind of made me sad. God that sounded stupid.

"You must be hungry agapi mou. I will make you food to eat."

He gently rolled me onto the bed and stood up. Damn this guy belonged on the cover of G.Q or something. He was shirtless and his hair was messy. His chest looked ten times better in the light. He was muscular, but lean. His chest was smooth and hairless.  I just wanted to lick it. Maybe I should have him for breakfast instead. My cheeks blazed at those thoughts. Jesus I sounded like a hormonal teenager. I slapped myself
God get it together woman!!

Imagine how embarrassed I felt when I realized that guy was still in the room. His fingers caressed the cheek I slapped and he frowned at me.

"Why would you hit yourself agapi mou? Your cheeks should be red only from your beautiful blush, never from violence. "

His voice was harsh and I felt kind of bad for hitting myself, which is stupid because I was a grown ass woman and I should be able to hit myself whenever I wanted. He stood up and picked me up in his arms.

"I cannot leave you alone when you can cause harm to yourself."

He frowned and began walking to the kitchen.  I wasn't paying attention to where we were going. I was to focused on the frown he was wearing. I didnt like him frowning, I prefered it when he smiled. He set me down on one of the chairs in the kitchen and walked to the fridge. I frowned when he pulled out things like eggs and bacon. How did I not see that two days ago?  I must be blind. He was still frowning when he was cracking the eggs.

"Whats your name?" I asked.

He smiled and I sighed. I could get used to that smile.

"My nake is Dimitris, but you can call me Dimitri, agapi mou."

I frowned. What exactly did that mean? I'm pretty sure it wasn't Italian. He went back to cooking and I sat there impatiently.  Then I grew curious. I wanted to know more about him.

"Where are you from?"

"My family and I grew up in Romania, but we traveled around for a while. I've lived all over Europe before I came here to America."

I nodded my head. Interesting.

"I've never been to Europe."

"Perhaps one day, we will go and you can see where I grew up." He said smiling.

"Whoa wait what?! I can't go to Europe with you! I have family, friends, college! I can't leave all that for someone I just met. I know I'm crazy but I'm not that crazy!" 

He just looked at me confused.

"You are my beloved and I will follow you to the ends of the earth. If you want to stay and be with your family, your friends, and your college, then we will stay. I would not want you to be unhappy with me." He said

Ok this guy is confusing.

"What's a beloved?" I asked. He's called me his beloved a few times now and I had no idea what it means. 

"A beloved is like a soul mate. It is the person who we are destined to be with for eternity. Someone to love and someone to have children with. You are my beloved. We will share an endless love and have many children." He said all that and turned around.

I burst out laughing.

"You cant be serious? That sounds like something out of a fairytale!"

He frowned and walked over to where I was sitting. He held my face between his hands and spoke in a low voice.

"I am serious. We are meant to be together for eternity. I will love you unconditionally and you will love me in return. Do you feel the pull agapi mou? It's the moon goddess bringing us together. "

He stared into my eyes and I found myself nodding. Yes,   I did feel something pulling me to him. But it wasnt love, it was attraction. He was sexy as sin and my body was attracted to his. Before I could voice my thoughts, he stood up and took the food off the stove. He put the food on a plate then placed it in front of me. It looked...unedible.
He looked at me with a smile on his face. Did he expect me to eat? I think he did. I grabbed my fork and hesitantly brought some eggs to my lips. They at least looked normal. I put the eggs in my mouth and shrugged. They were a little burnt but they tasted normal. The next mouthful of eggs wasn't so normal. Sadly when I bit down I heard a big crunch! I grimaced and chewed it one more time, then I spit it back out onto the plate. There were eggshells in the eggs! I looked up at him only to see him frown. He looked like a puppy who just got kicked. I coughed and opened my mouth to try to explain.

"Umm Dimitri? There are eggshells in the eggs."

"Are you not supposed to cook the shells with the eggs?"

He looked so confused I actually felt bad. I had no idea why I was feeling bad when I'm the one who ate the damn eggs.

"Dimitri do you know how to cook?"

His cheeks turned pink and he shook his head.

"I always had a chef back home."
He looked down at his shoes and he just looked so damned cute I had to do it! I ran, more like limped really, up to him and gave him a hug. He was too cute for his own good. He stood frozen in my embrace. Just when it was about to get awkward, he hugged me back. His arms slowly came around my waist and he hugged me back.

"You aren't mad that I cannot cook?" He asked

"No!" I giggled. It was actually kind of cute. It just meant that he wasn't as perfect as I thought he was.


Finally updated!
This is not edited so sorry for any miscellaneous grammer errors. :)


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