My New Friend.....Maybe

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I hate walking.

I hate the rain.

I hate Taneesha Tyler.

I hate Lane Walker.

I hate roads.

And I officially hate bacon.

Fuck my life; God hates me. Okay so I bet your wondering why I’m being melodramatic. First of all, I have been walking for the past hour and a half down this stupid spiral road, trying to get off this fucken mountain. I actually think I’m getting dizzy just walking straight. Secondly; it started raining ten minutes ago. At first it was a light drizzle and I was like ‘Oh wow, this feels nice. Maybe god doesn’t hate me as much as I thought.’ Then it started to rain cats and dogs. I hate the rain. Third, and you would not believe this; Lane had apparently decided to come looking for me in his damn car. I had to jump in a bush to hide from him. The good news? He didn’t find me (thank you Jesus). The bad news? I jumped into a rose bush. Worse news? The roses had thorns! Not a single car has passed by since Lane and I was regretting hiding in that damn bush.

It’s ok Vidia. You got this, just a few more yards!

That’s me trying to give myself a pep talk. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not a very peppy person. Finally, praises the lord Jesus Christ, I heard a car coming up the road. I held out my hand trying to get its attention. Hell, I don’t even give a fuck if it’s Lane anymore. I would take a ride from a mortician! A cherry red convertible slowed to a stop right next to me. In it was none other than Kevin. As in Kevin ‘I just told you your girlfriend was cheating on you in a not nice way’ Kevin. I’m screwed.

“Hop in.”

I was pretty shocked. I didn’t think he would actually give me a ride. He kept his face forward as I slowly sat in the passenger seat. As soon as the door closed he was off, speeding down the road. We sat in an awkward silence for the first few minutes. At least it was awkward for me. I was (from the rain you naughty people) wet, tired, and I’m pretty sure I looked like a hobo. All I was wearing was a pair of too short shorts, a black t-shirt, and some flip flops. Yes, I walked almost four miles in slippers. I sighed, this was like an hour and a half ride, I might as well apologize and get it out of the way.

“Look Kevin, I didn’t mean to blurt out that stuff up at the house”

I popped my knuckles, which is something I do when I’m nervous, and studied his face for any kind of reaction. I got nothing. His face was completely blank. I took it as a sign to keep going.

“I wanted her to tell you herself.”

It was quiet for a few minutes before he spoke, caching me off guard.

“How long?”

“H-How long what?”

“How long did you know she was cheating?”

He was gripping the steering wheel like his life depended on it. his knuckles were white and he was frowning. It was weird seeing him frown; he was usually an upbeat guy.

“I’ve known since Christmas break.” I said looking down at my lap.

His lips tightened into a line and I knew he wasn’t happy with my answer so I tried to elaborate. Mostly to save my ass really and my feet. I did not want to walk the rest of the way in slippers.

“I borrowed her phone and I saw the text messages. I confronted her about it and she told me she would stop seeing him. She told me she wanted to be the one to tell you and then I saw you guys together two nights ago and I assumed she did. But then the guy called her cell and I answered it. I planned to confront her about it when we got home but all this happened and I blew up. I’m sorry you found out like that Kevin.”

I looked out the window, trying to avoid his gaze. I was never really close to Kevin. Taneesha didn’t like it when her boyfriends had other friends who were girls. Hell, she barely even let them hang out with their guy friends.

“It’s ok Vidia. If you hadn’t blurted it out when you did I would never have known and I would probably still be with Taneesha.”

He kept his gaze on the road, but there was a slight tilt to his lips, leading me to believe that I had almost made a new friend. We rode in silence, but it was more of a comfortable silence now. It wasn't awkward or as awkward as earlier. By the time we reached the bottom of the mountain, I was asleep.

~ Later~

I woke up in a car with Kevin. That would make sense because I did catch a ride with him. The sky was darker now, almost night. That was strange. I could have sworn it was like midday when we reached the bottom. There were trees on either side of the car. I frowned, confused. This definitely was not the way to my house. Maybe he didn’t know where I lived yet. I turned around to tell him that my house was way back there, but he was already out of the car. Not that was shocking. I didn’t even know the car had stopped. He walked around the back and pooped the trunk. He took out a shovel and I started to panic. Oh shit. What if he kills me for breaking up his relationship with Taneesha and then buries my body out in the woods?! No one would find me out here, hell I didn’t even know where here was! Jesus Christ! Is this what a panic attack feels like? My eyes grew wide as I saw him walk around the car. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. Maybe he just needed to bury his dead dog? Yeah right who am I kidding, he was gonna kill me! He stopped in front of my door and then he stopped. He turned around and started walking in a different direction. I sighed in relief and opened my eyes. I couldn’t spot him anywhere. I opened my door and clumsily fell out, and then I shut the door and ran into the woods; which was stupid of me really. I had no idea where I was or where I was going and it would be dark soon. But still I ran, right into the belly of the beast. And to think I thought we would be friends. 

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