Hitting Rock Bottom....Literally

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Ok so running into the woods close to dark wasn’t one of my smartest ideas. Maybe it was the dumbest idea I ever had. And maybe Kevin wasn’t really going to kill me and I had over reacted like I normally did when my imagination took over. Ok so I admit it’s my fault I am currently standing alone in the woods at night. That stuff didn’t even matter to me right now. What mattered was that I was freezing my ass off in the woods because I was a freakin idiot. My teeth were chattering and the clothes I was wearing didn’t exactly warm me up. The farther I walked the colder I seemed to get. I think the fact that I could die from the cold finally got through my thick skull. It was getting darker by the minute. Soon I wouldn’t be able to see five feet in front of my face. Scratch that, I couldn’t see five feet in front of my face right now. After a few minutes of branches hitting my face and me tripping over rocks, I finally hit rock bottom. It was dark and I did not see the tree until I crashed into it. It was probably the most embarrassing thing I have ever experienced.  My body bounced off the tree and rolled down a hill. I kept rolling and rolling until I thought I would throw up. My stomach was churning and my head was spinning. Fortunately, a few minutes later something stopped me. Unfortunately, that something was a boulder and I blacked out from the pain. 


Sorry it took so long. I was kinda backed up on school work. P.S. This chapter needs to be edited.

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