Laney and Adrian

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Ok so this is just a sample of a book I was thinking about writing. This is the story of Laney and Adrian, two mates who couldn’t quite accept the mate bond.



“I propose an arrangement.”

I stood there, unsurprised at where this was going. He cleared his throat.

“I’m sure you know that I am in an arranged marriage and therefore we cannot be together. But, my wolf refuses to not have you. I thought of a solution. You can come to me for a few nights in the week and that will be enough to sate my wolf”

I smiled bitterly as a lone tear ran down my cheek. Why am I not surprised? Well what did I expect? That he would leave his gorgeous human girlfriend just because he found me?! His unworthy mate? I nodded, keeping my back to him and front to the window. Fate just had to pair me up with him didn’t she? She just had to pair me up with the one wolf who would never break it off with his perfect girlfriend. The sad part was that I couldn’t even hate his girlfriend because she was the nicest person alive. He left and the door shut with a quiet click. I slid to the floor and cried. Why would he want damaged goods anyway? Who was I to demand that he break it off with his girlfriend? I sat there and cried myself to sleep.

Laney was a loner. She had absolutely no friends. Her uncle had abused her mentally and sexually when she was little and it left a scar. She refuses to let anyone touch her, not even her mother.  Her uncle was finally put in prison on her 13th birthday. Her mother still blames her for breaking up the family, she doesn’t show it.  She acts like the perfect mother, she smiles and she always makes sure Laney is alright, but at night she can hear her mother saying horrible things about her. Her father is stuck between siding with his mate and comforting his daughter, so he just works all the time. He’s almost never home, again, because of her. Laney is left with herself to try to pick up the pieces of her life. Her childhood best friend isn’t even around anymore. He decided to search the packs around America to search for his mate. When he doesn’t find her, he settles for a human.

When Adrian finds out that his mate was his best friend all along, he is angry. Why did she have to come when he finally found happiness? He was angry because the female always knows who her mate is way before the male. She can smell it. The males need actual physical contact to tell who their mate is.


“What the hell is that Laney”?!

He held my wrist in his hands and I tried to pull it away. He was looking at the new cuts on my wrist. They opened up after he slammed my back into the wall. I looked away from his eyes and focused on the wall behind him. I didn’t answer. Those cuts have been there since he came back, at least the scars were. I thought I kicked the habit but I guess not.

“Answer me damn it!” he held my chin between his fingers and forced my face to his.

I winced and tried to struggle out of his grip. My skin was crawling and I wanted to scrub myself raw. What they say about mates so isn’t true. My skin still crawls with disgust when he touches me. But I let him do it. I let him touch me because I can actually feel.


My eyes met his, but still I said nothing. He grasped my head between his hands and kissed my lips. I kissed him back harder, trying to make him forget and it worked.

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