Greeting Death

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My head was pounding.  This was the second time I hit my head in two days. That was actually a new record for me. My eyes were closed but the light blinded me anyway. The ground was uneven and I landed in a weird position. My head was still rouching the rock but my left arm was trapped under my body and my right arm was bent at an awkward angle. My left arm was actually numb and I had no idea how long the circulation had been cut off. My right arm ached but I didn't think anything was broken. At least it didnt feel broken. My legs felt ok but my feet still felt frozen. I walked out here in flip flops and that wasn't a very smart thing to do. I sat up slowly but my head was still spinning. I leant against the evil gigantic rock and tried to wait out the dizziness.  It didnt work very well. A few seconds later I was kneeling and spewing my guts out. My head was spinning and my stomach was empty. There was a bad taste in my mouth and I so badly wanted water. I was so out of it I swear I was hallucinating.  Because a few yards away feom where I stood was a huge mid-evil gothic castle.


I stumbled downhill toward the black castle. It was honestly morbidly beautiful.  The walls were made of some kind of black stone and the doors made of wood. The windows looked like they were made of glass, the kind that shatters with the slightest pressure,  but it was dusty so it could have been made out of plexy glass as well. I finally reached the doors. It was huge with a big lion head as a door knocker.  I swear it was made from iron or lead because this thing was heavy! I could only lift it twice before I got tired and let it fall back on the door. The sun was at the top of the sky now and I was sweating buckets. That walk really tired me out. I was panting and the blood on my head was all dried up and it stuck to my face. Blood matted my hair and made it too stiff to do anything with it. I didnt have a hair tie so I couldnt tie my hair. This was the worst day of my life. I sighed and leant against the big wooden door. The door cracked open when I leant against it and I realized it was unlocked. Normally I wouldn't walk into a strange seemingly abandoned house but I was desperate. I needed food and a place to keep away from the sun bevause it was hot. I closed the door behind me and the room plunged into darkness. Well not total darkness. There was a candle burning on a wooden table to my right and a grandfather clock ticking to my left. I was right, it was noon. I grabbed the candle off the table and walked further into the house. There was absolutely no light in the house except from the candle burning in my hand. I have no idea whether it was my weird mind or the whole arrangement with the clock and candle by the door, or both, but it felt like a scene out of Beauty and The Beast. Beauty and The Beast is my favorite movie by the way. I just love Belle and I loved how she stood up for the beast and came back to warn him about the crazy mob led by a crazy stalker. It really was the best kind of love story. The farther I walked the dustier it got.  It was so hard to breathe in here. After a few minutes I finally found the kitchen. It was a bit dusty but it looked like it had been used fairly recently. The refrigerator was humming quietly and the granite table was free of dust. I opened the fridge, but it was empty. Sadly my stomach chose that time to rumble. I opened the freezer and almost gagged. It was full of raw meat and it looked fresh. Blood was still oozing from the meat.  The meat was wrapped separately in plastic wrap but the blood still dripped. It was a very disgusting sight, but I was hungry and I could eat a cow. I grabbed a chunk of meat and shuddered when the blood dripped onto my hands. I turned on the faucet and tossed the meat underneath the stream of water. Thank god the plumbing worked. I left the water running and went in search of the bathroom.  I didnt want to cook while there was blood dripping out of my head. I walked up the creaking steps and searched for a room with a bathroom. I figured the master bedroom would have a bathroom. It was logical right? So I went straight down the hall and opened the double doors. I didnt pay much attention to the details of the room. I just opened the various doors and poked my head in to see if I had found the bathroom. It was through the second door. I washed  my hands thoroughly and then put my head under the water. I made sure to rinse the blood from my hair and face. I turned off the water and searched for that towel I saw earlier. My hand skimmed over something soft before I felt the towel.

"Here you go."

I took the towel and wiped my hair and face. I folded the towel after I was done and handed it back to the man who gave it to me.

"Thank you."

I smiled gratefully and walked down the stairs. Then I began to cook the mystery meat that I had found in the fridge.

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