My Love For Bacon Has Died

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~ Vidia ~

My head was hurting.

That is the only thought processing through my mind right now. My head was pounding; it felt like a monkey was sitting on my brain playing a drum set. I groaned. I tried to open my eyes, but it was like they were stuck together.

“Shhh! She’s awake!”

I groaned and tried to move away from the idiot who decided to scream in my ear.

“Move out the way bitch!”

Suddenly a weight was settling on my chest and it felt like I couldn’t breathe. God, it was like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I finally found the strength to open my eyes and I was right. There was an elephant sitting on my chest: its name was Taneesha. I groaned and pushed her off me. She fell off the bed with a groan and a thump! She quickly jumped back up and gave me a hug.

“Babycakes, you’re alive!”

I groaned. This girl was so skinny but she had arms of steel.

“She won’t be alive for much longer if you don’t let her breathe.”

I swear if he wasn’t my best friend’s boyfriend I would kiss him. Kevin appeared behind Neesha and kind of held her arms down. She was like a spastic octopus when she was excited.

“Sorry, sugar. I was just so worried. I mean you were gone for so long and we tried to look for you after the party finished, but we couldn’t find you and I was so worried. Then Kevin was all like, ‘we should go call the police’ and I was like ‘maybe she just got lost’. Because you get lost a lot you know? So we looked for you for a bit more and then we found you at like the edge of the cemetery. It was so freaky because your hair was all messed up and you skin was so pale. You looked dead! Anyway Kevin carried you back here and Teddy, he was the guy who threw the party by the way, let us take you up to one of the rooms. You were in a super deep sleep so you didn’t wake up for a while. And then you woke up so here we are now.”

She said that all in one breath. Kevin looked amazed and me? Well I was used to this. I swear if I didn’t tell her to shut up she could talk for week’s nonstop.

“You found me on the ground? Are you sure?” I frowned.

“Of course dummy. I think I would remember where I found my half dead friend!”

She screeched and I winced. God her voice sucked. I nodded and sat up.

“Careful, I don’t think you should be standing for a while.” Kevin said.

“I’m fine.” I tried to stand on my wobbly legs.

I would have fallen if Kevin hadn’t caught me. This left a frown on Neesha’s face. Her face quickly turned into a smile when she saw me looking at her. One thing about Neesha is that she is extremely possessive. She got into a fight with a girl at school because the girl looked at him. I pushed Kevin away as soon as I found my balance. I was used to her possessive ways by now, but it kind of hurt that she would even think I would do something with Kevin. I liked seeing my friend happy and I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that. Not after all she’s been through.

“I’m gonna take a shower.” I mumbled and staggered to what I thought was the bathroom.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kevin turn to Neesha. He was gonna scold her no doubt. He hated when Neesha got jealous, something about him feeling like a possession and not a person. Personally, I think he was just hurt because he thinks Neesha doesn’t trust him. Enough about them, this is supposed to be my story. Anyway I took a shower (because I stunk from lying in a hole for a few hours) and tried to regain my memory of last night. I remember being in that hole for what felt like hours. I remember sitting on a coffin and hitting my head and cutting my hand. It was bleeding because I had cut it on a sharp edge of the coffin. I touched my perfectly healed hand and wondered what happened. I felt the sting as little particles of dirt splashed onto my hand. I turned off the water and stepped up to the mirror hanging over the sink. I had a cut on my head from when I fell. I remember that clear as day. So why was there no cut on my forehead? No bruise? I sighed and dried myself off. Maybe I had imagined them. Maybe seeing Lane had caused some kind of glitch in my head and I imagined the whole thing? I laughed to myself. Like I would imagine myself falling in a hole, pshh. Yeah right, I suffered from my clumsiness while I was awake. I walked out in a towel only to find Neesha and Kevin gone. They were probably having make up sex in another room or something. I shuddered at the thought. I threw on the summer dress on the bed. It probably belonged to Neesha. I slipped on the flats and made my way out of the room. I took a deep breath and smelled bacon. God I loved bacon. I followed the heavenly smell into the kitchen. A guy my age with blonde hair was standing at the stove. I assumed it was Teddy. How wrong I was.

I cleared my throat and the blonde turned around holding a plate of bacon. I swear to god I have the worst luck in the world. The guy who turned around was none of than the guy I’ve been trying to avoid.



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