Part one

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LIKE EVERY MORNING, Draco Malfoy got out of bed to face his day to day once more.  As usual, he went to the shower, turned on the water and let it run, waiting for it to get hot enough.  Once ready, he stepped inside and let it soak into his body, feeling the heat of the water on his skin, causing it to go goose bumps while he was lost in thought.

Draco was quite a peculiar boy. From a very young age, he had always shown attitudes equal to his father's;  Self-centered, pushy, ambitious and even pedantic.

As the years at Hogwarts went by, he had managed to create a large number of enemies thanks to them.  It is true that he was always with Crabbe and Goyle but, as much as people thought they were friends, Draco did not feel that way.  Deep down, he himself knew that everything was pure appearance and even to keep his parents happy because of their blood status and family name.

What no one knew was that Draco Malfoy himself had, although very well hidden, a great heart and he wished with all his might, from the depths of him, to be able to show it to someone some day.

Oftentimes, with his cutting attitudes, all he could do was turn people away from him.  In a way, he appreciated it.  A small part of him was afraid of opening up to people, distrusting them, and how could he not be?  He hadn't grown up knowing what affection was, or at least not his father's.

Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy had never allowed Draco to lack anything materially.  From a very young age, they filled him with toys, whims and more.  If he wanted something, they took care of getting it for his little boy,  but there was only one thing they had never given him, that he had never experienced or savored;  the love and affection of a family.

Because of this, over the years, Draco ended up forming a shell on him, thus avoiding any kind of emotion.  He had become a cold being, unable to empathize with anyone.  He was always rude, mean and grumpy with people, but that wasn't the true self of him.  After all, he only reflected that attitude his father had indoctrinated him with over the years.

Often he would sneak out to the Astronomy tower to be alone and lose himself in his thoughts.  When he did, he couldn't help but feel sad for himself.  He felt completely empty and alone in this world, he thought about everything he had achieved so far and only one word came to mind;  nothing.

He felt a huge emptiness in his heart and no matter how hard he tried to fill it, he couldn't find a way.  He wanted to change but he had grown up with the ideals of his father, which he could never help but bring out.

"You must never show yourself vulnerable, son. Remember that you are a Malfoy and we never show weakness."

His father's voice echoed through his mind.  Maybe, and just maybe, that was why he had become so irritating, distant and unapproachable.  Having grown up without the love or affection of a morher and a father, it made him ignore all that that feeling could bring him.

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