Part twenty six

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1998, TIME PASSED quickly for the couple and, in the blink of an eye, the Easter holidays were upon them.  From that day on, Annelisse and Draco were closer than ever. He had changed a lot, he was cheerful now, happy, he laughed without caring what others thought, although he did not stop messing with people from time to time, something that sometimes made Annelisse mad, but after all, it was Draco Malfoy  and his personality;  stubborn, self-centered and sometimes a little jealous.

Even Annelisse was experiencing a side of her that she was totally unaware of and Draco provoked in her.

That afternoon, they were studying in the library since they were in exam time and they used to study together even if those were not the same subjects.  They sat opposite and studied quietly, occasionally smiling at each other. Draco used to help her with potions, since he was the best of his year and Annelisse, being more advanced in Divination, helped him.

She was going over her class notes and raised her eyes to Draco, watching him for a few seconds. She tilted her head slightly, a somewhat wicked smile forming on her face. The girl saw him concentrated on his reading and even she found sexy the way he was reclining in his seat, with his tie somewhat undone and the first button of his shirt unbuttoned.  His hair was somewhat disheveled but in that way she liked so much.  Annelisse bit her lower lip at the idea she was having.

She pulled off a shoe with the help of the other and reached up to Draco under the table, beginning to stroke his thigh and causing him to jump a little with her foot.  He instantly fixed his gaze on her and could see Annelisse with an amused smile on the face as she continued to bite her lip, to which he slightly narrowed his eyes and the corner of his lip rose, forming a slight smile.

Annelisse continued to lift her foot, moving closer to where she wanted and she could feel Draco's jaw tighten in reaction to what she was doing to him.

"Lisse—" he tried to say but had to stop when he felt her foot tighten even more, to which he ended up growling a bit "Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"You look so good, I can't resist." Rolled her eyes in amusement.

"You have to study, Lisse." He tried to make her see reason.

"Oh, come on."  She answered, teasing him even more with her foot and made him to shift on his seat.

"Since when have you turned into a dirty, mean girl?"  He asked in an amused tone.

"Since when have you become so soft?"  She continued with that torture and Draco tried to keep his composure even though he loved that wild and daring side that Annelisse had developed. Most of the time it was hard for him to resist but this time he had to.

"Lisse, you have to study."  He looked at her seriously, trying to make her see reason again with his gaze.

"Wow, my own boyfriend rejects me."  She pretended to be hurt by his words, pouting.

"You haven't studied all week and you know you cannot fail your exams if you want to go to that France trip."

At that, Annelisse snorted and gave up, repositioning herself in her seat "Draco Malfoy being boring."

"Don't worry, I'll eat you for dinner in my room today."  He smirked, amused.  That brought another smile to Annelisse's face.  She licked her lips, trying not to, and tried to turn her attention back to her notes.

As she read, she could not stop thinking about the trip. She had made a proposal to Draco and they still had not talked about it and that, worried her a bit. Seconds later, determined, she asked him "Have you already thought about whether you will come?"

"I would love to but I am afraid of your family."

"They are not going to kill you. At least not so soon." She joked.  Seeing Draco's incredulous face she could not help but laugh "You don't have to come if you don't want to, Draco. I don't want to force you. Besides, it wasn't my idea."  She raised her hands "Get used to it, my family is that crazy." Annelisse laughed.

"I still have a hard time believing that your own mother invited me to travel with all of you."

"Hey, no offense but my family doesn't judge by appearances."  She raised an eyebrow.

"Touché."  He slightly twisted his lips.  While Annelisse's family had wanted to finally meet Draco and accepted him no matter the fact he was a Malfoy, his father still did not approve their relationship and did not want to know anything about his son's girlfriend. 

Regarding Narcissa, she was divided.  She adored her husband but the fact that he rejected the only happiness that their son had, made her feel like the worst mother in the world for not being able to do anything about the situation.  Annelisse had only been to Malfoy Manor one more time, before Lucius made it clear that he did not want to see her at their house again.

"Hey."  She caught Draco's attention "I love you."  She smiled broadly at him.

Draco smiled with some relief, happy.  Even though their relationship was not approved in his house, he liked that Annelisse did not give up and fight for it, that she did not care at all that his father did not want her in their family.

He liked that, although things sometimes were not as they wanted, they did not give up.

"I love you too."  He finally answered.

"But... are you going to take me to your dorm now?" She raised an eyebrow, teasing.

"Annelisse Haunt, you're hopeless."  He answered and they both laughed.

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