Part twenty seven

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March, 1998.

THEY YELLED at each other as they moved through the huge living room of the manor.  Narcissa seeing that, tried to stop them but she had never seen them argue like that and neither of them seemed to see reason.

"Come here, Draco!"  Lucius yelled chasing after him.

"No, I'll do whatever I want!"  He replied in the same tone.

"You're not going on a trip with some stupid Mudblood and her bloody Muggle parents!"  Lucius yelled again with anger in his voice.

Draco hearing such atrocities for him, felt his blood begin to boil and his fists clench, digging his nails into the palm of his hands "I'll do whatever I fucking want, I said! And she's not stupid,  you are!"  He responded instantly.

"Your relationship with that girl went  too far. You better break this relationship now, if you don't want retaliation."  He pointed his finger at him, growling and his face creased with the anger he was bringing.

"You have no fucking right to tell me what to do!"  He snapped, also pointing at him "You are the only one who thinks about yourself and not what others want!"

"I'm doing this for you, son! You'll thank me in the future!"  He yelled back at Draco.

Narcissa was still in shock, not sure what to do.  She wanted Draco to be able to go on a trip with Annelisse but her husband was definitely making it really difficult.

"You have never done anything for me!"  He glared at him, even pain in his eyes, which burned from all those emotions "You have never played the role of father, you have never cared for me or worried. You don't know shit!"

"Don't talk to me like that, Draco. I'm your fucking father!"  He said annoyed, knocking on the table, something that made Narcissa jump with shock.

Both looked at each other, challenging each other with their eyes, full of rage, courage.  Narcissa taking advantage of the fact that they were not yelling at each other, she tried to stop them once more.

"Lucius, please..." she said, approaching him.  Narcissa brought her hands to his face, trying to get him to look at her but Lucius turned his face away, avoiding her "It's just a trip, let him."  She looked at him with a concerned frown.

"Just a trip?"  He turned her gazes on Narcissa, incredulous. "What's next, our son, a Malfoy, gets a Muggle job?"  He laughed sarcastically.

"It would be a thousand times better than staying here with you!"  Draco blurted out, frowning.

"Draco, stop it!"  Narcissa raised her voice, looking at him "The two of you!"

She broke away from Lucius and stood between the two of them, bringing her hands to her waist.  She watched them for a few seconds before speaking "Draco, go pack your suitcase."  Lucius was about to speak but Narcissa raised her hand, shushing him "Now."

Draco stared at his father for a few seconds, disgusted, before stepping into his room to do what his mother had told him.

As soon as he left, Narcissa let out a heavy sigh and turned to see Lucius "He's a kid, Lucius. You can't break his illusions like that."

"He's with a bloody Mudblood, Narcissa!" He raised his hand to point where Draco was, his room.

"And your son loves her."  She frowned, annoyed but trying not to lose her temper.  She let out a sigh before continuing "It's only five days."  She insisted, making him see reason.

"Are you really going to allow this?"  He said, incredulously in his tone. Lucius  could not understand how his own wife would agree to their son hanging out with such people. He did not understand when the Malfoys saw good in relating to the Muggle people.

"Lucius, do it for me. Just this once."  She said, touching her own chest pointing to herself and then brought her hand to his chest "Please."

Lucius watched his wife silently, thinking. Of course, the last thing he wanted was for his son —a Malfoy— to interact with people from the Muggle world, being able to destroy the family's prestige, being like blood traitors in front of the wizarding world, in front of the Ministry.

Although things no longer worked that way in this world, Lucius —like many others— still believed that wizards should be separated from Muggles, that they were superior tio them.  They still believed in purity of blood above all without a doubt.

"Let him go."  She ended up saying.  He cast one last look of disgust at his wife before turning and leaving the living  room.

Lucius walked into his office and slammed the door behind him.  He started pacing back and forth, angry, frustrated, feeling like everything he had fought for years was going to waste on a trip.

He convinced himself that this was something fleeting, something of adolescence and, in time, Draco would come to his senses.  That it was only a temporary love and that in time, he would get his son back, to that boy that he had raised with those principles that had cost him so much and now that girl was throwing down.

Meanwhile, Draco was in his room preparing to go, still upset but somewhat happy that he was going on a trip with her, finally.  At that moment, he hated his father with all his might, he hated that he did not like Annelisse, that he did not give her a chance. He hated that this little happiness he had at least in his life,  his own father tried to take it from him.

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