Part twenty three

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THAT MORNING, both Annelisse and Draco woke up with a smile on their faces, thinking about the other.  Yesterday they were talking about nonsense and telling each other secrets until dawn.

Both of them got ready for their first day of school and went downstairs for breakfast.  Annelisse, before that, had to lock Draco's gift in her room so that he woule not escape.

Once she was ready, went with Mittie to the Great Hall.  Just as they were reaching the door, Mittie saw Draco and leaned close to Annelisse's ear.

"It seems to me that someone wants to say good morning to you."  To which Annelisse looked where Mittie was and could see Draco "See you at the table."  She placed a kiss on her cheek and entered.

Draco got up from the wall he was leaning against as soon as he saw her approaching and they both smiled at each other.

"Good morning."  She said cheerfully.

"Good morning."  He replied to immediately lean towards her and leave a tender kiss on her lips "Did you sleep well?" Added, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Well, a certain person hasn't stopped appearing in my dreams but yes."  She smirked.

"As long as it's me there's no problem."  He replied amused.

"Of course it's you, who else would it be?"

"Well, I've seen that friend of yours. Maybe him." He rolled her eyes.

"Thadd?"  He nodded and Annelisse could not help but laugh. She, with her index finger told him to come closer and so did Draco "He's gay." whispered in his ear and instantly laughed.

Draco raised an eyebrow at her "I like him better now."


"Hey, nobody messes with me." He frowned.

"I do. Girlfriend privileges."  She said proudly, in an amused tone.

"Lisse, Lisse, what am I going to do with you?" He kissed her one more time and said goodbye to go to breakfast to their respective tables.  During this, they did not stop looking at each other and although they still had not realized it, the two were falling madly in love with each other.

In class, they were even somewhat more clueless than normal, and how could they not be?  They were feeling more alive than ever and Draco was happier than he could ever have imagined.

Incredibly, the classes had flown by and both had the afternoon free so they decided to spend the afternoon together.  They were to meet outside the Hufflepuff common room. When Draco arrived, he greeted Annelisse with a kiss.

"What are we doing here?" He asked somewhat confused.

"I'm going to give you your Christmas gift."  She smiled "It's in my room."

"Are you going to let me into that common room full of Hufflepuff's?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, come on. Don't be mean, all Hufflepuff's together are more innocent than you alone."  She joked.

"I don't doubt it at all." They both laughed.

Annelisse took out her wand and taped the correct barrel with her wand, in the rhythm of "Helga Hufflepuff", to which Draco raised both eyebrows in surprise.

"Don't you use a password?"  He asked in surprise at what she had just done, seeing the door open.

"Nope. It's more fun this way."  She smiled.

"So anyone could enter."

"I bet you wouldn't be able to open the common room door yourself. Only a true Hufflepuff could."  She said proudly.

"We'll see about that." He narrowed his eyes with some amusement.

Both of them entered and everyone fixed their gazes on them. Draco Malfoy had never been so close to the Hufflepuff's and it was strange to all of them. They crossed the room as fast as they could and Annelisse led him to the door of her room holding hands.

She stopped in front of the door and turned to Draco with a big smile "What happens?" He asked.

"If you don't like it, you can tell me, but I remembered what we talked about and it seemed like the perfect gift."  She bit his lower lip.

"Don't do that." He said when he saw her doing that.

"Why not?"

"Because—" he began to say to her as he took her face in his hands and kissed her lips one time after another "—I want to kiss you and never stop."  Annelisse smiled between the kisses Draco placed on her lips.

"Then I'm gonna have to do it more often."  She whispered playfully.

"Lisse, don't provoke me."

After smiling, she left a last and chaste kiss on his lips "Come on."  She turned around and opened the door. Annelisse had warned Mittie that Draco was coming, so she left to leave them some privacy.

Draco came in after Annelisse and he observed that room "Hufflepuff's don't have such bad taste."  He commented funny.

"Yours is sure very bland."  She answered making a small face and wrinkling her nose, one of those that Draco loved so much.

"My room is the best in all of Hogwarts."  He sentenced.

"Oh, sure, sure." Annelisse went to the bathroom door and opened it.  Out of it came two cats, Buttons and another, one that she had rescued from the Muggle world and brought to Hogwarts with her "Ta–dah!"

Draco's face changed completely and he could not help but smile. He saw Buttons and next to him a tabby, black and gray cat, which he thought was pretty cute.

"Like I told you, you can have him here at Hogwarts and Buttons will keep him company."  She explained as approached Draco.

"Lisse, this is—" Exhaled hard, he had no words. He liked that Annelisse had remembered such a thing.

"Merry Christmas with some delay I guess."  She shrugged but with a smile on her face. Draco had no words, so he did the only thing it could explain how grateful he was to her, kissimg Annelisse one more time. Borh smiled between the kiss, happily.

The cat came up to them and rubbed against her. Annelisse scooped him up and walked over to her bed. She sat on it with him and Draco did the same, joining them. Both caressed the cat, gently.

"Now you will have to give him a name." She said.

"I hadn't thought about that, can you think of any?"  He frowned slightly.

"I named my cat Buttons, I don't think I should choose the name."  She laughed just like he did.

"I dont know..."

"You could call him Catzilla."  Annelisse said opening her eyes more and then pressed her lips together trying not to laugh.

"I'm not going to put that name on him. Catzilla, really?" He asked incredulously.

"Joking."  She replied "Blackie?" Annelisse proposed seconds later.

"God, you are terrible with names, Lisse."  He said laughing, to which she frowned.

"Okay, and what do you suggest?"

"Perseus."  Said Draco after a few seconds "He's gray, he has black spots everywhere and looks like a constellation, so Perseus."

"I like it."  She smiled at Draco's explanation "Perseus." Annelisse repeated.

They both stroked the cat once more, this time being able to call it by his name;  Perseus.  They spent the afternoon in Annelisse's room, enjoying their new friend while they talked about their classes, how the day had gone, and laughed at any nonsense.

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