Part five

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A LITTLE OVER HALF AND HOUR had passed since they both saw each other with no escape from the tower and neither of them had tried to make contact with the other. Draco was still at the top of the tower, thinking how miserable he felt once more and he had sat on the edge of the tower and leaned his arms on the railing, letting out a sigh after another. Since they had the day off at Hogwarts, he was not in any rush to get them out of there as long as that girl, Annelisse, did not bother him.

Right below him —in the classroom— was Annelisse, searching the bookshelf full of books, looking for some interesting reading.  Although they had to wait for someone to come open for them, she thought that reading, everything would be easier.  Besides, she did not have anything better to do either, so she waited patiently and without losing her cool.

With her fingers, she delicately touched the books in it and read the titles.  Guide to creating star maps, Moon phases, Cosmic Ages and Space Weather... There was a lot.

She found one and decided to take it off the shelf.  She watched it before as she read the title, Encyclopedia of Constellations: Know the Sky.

She glanced at Professor Sinistra's table for a second and found the idea of ​​it tempting.  After all, they were locked in without being able to get out, why not sit at her chair?  She smiled to herself and without hesitation, she did so.

She pulled the chair away from the desk to then sit on it, letting out a small moan of pleasure, slightly rolling her eyes for it.  That chair was padded, it was not at all like the ones the students had to use every day. She shifted in that chair, feeling how soft it was.

Buttons went up to the table and then sat on it next to Annelisse and she smiled happily at him. She loved it when he kept her company.  She opened the book and began flipping through the first few pages until she reached the beginning of her reading.

What Annelisse did not expect at all was to be disturbed by the same thought over and over as she tried to read. Her mind kept thinking about Draco, why not go up to the tower with him and keep him company.  After all, they were locked together. She was thinking of going upstairs and starting a conversation with him, but of course, she knew he did not make it easy.  Perhaps, he was the first person she was unable to get along with or at least try.  He was a very complicated and difficult person to understand.

She tried reading again, concentrating on it as much as possible.  She read with a frown, trying to sink into the reading, but as much as she tried, Draco came back to her mind. Why should they be alone and apart, being able to keep company?  No one should be alone, she thought.

She paused her reading for a second, resting her elbow on the table and the  head in her hand as she looked at Buttons. She sighed, doubtfully "What I do?"  Annelisse asked to the cat.  When he heard her, got up, approached her and with a meow began to rub against her once more.

"You're right."  She replied after a few seconds.

So, after a futile attempt to read and learn the constellations, she got up closing the book, taking it with her, and with determination she headed for the stairs to climb the tower once more.

She was nervous, had to admit it.  She was doing it with her best intentions, but of course, how does someone deal with Draco Malfoy?  As she climbed the stairs, her heart was racing by the minute as she began to see the end of them.  She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

At that moment, Draco was in overwhelming silence, alone in the tower.  Or at least that is what he believed until the sound of footsteps made him turn his face back. 

He saw the previous girl walking towards him in a somewhat shy way, without speaking and with her head slightly lowered.  He watched her heading towards the railing —slightly away from him— and she sat the same way he was.  He frowned slightly, confused at that, he had told the girl to leave him alone and she had done completely the opposite.  That, kind of annoyed him although he could not help but being curious.  This girl seemed something different to him.

Annelisse avoided looking at him, fixing her gaze on the landscape as she moved her legs, which were in the void at the top of the tower, nervously.  She hoped he did not say anything rude or at least not very rude.

What she was unaware of because of it, was that Draco was watching her closely.  He carefully examined her features, saw her little nose somewhat upturned, her lips, slightly thin but a little fleshy.  Her skin, pale and at first glance smooth, flawless, like a porcelain doll.

He was interrupted when the girl turned her face to him and he had to look away from her completely, even feeling some shame about it.  Annelisse had noticed this, so she did not hesitate to speak.

"Why are you looking at me?"  She asked him softly.

Draco could not help but speak the same way he always did, defensively. "I wasn't looking at you. Besides, did I tell you that you could talk to me? No, so shut up."  He finished saying and turned his gaze forward again.

"It seems to me that someone's not in the mood today, or rather, are you ever?"  Annelisse blurted out, frowning.

Of course, Draco turned to her, annoyed by those words she said to him. In a way, he felt that the girl was right and that is why he himself resented those words. Draco did not remember the last time he got up in a good mood at all, not even the last time he was happy.

"It's your presence that puts me in a bad mood."

"I didn't choose to stay here. I hadn't planned on spending my morning like this!"  She snapped at him.

Truly, this boy was capable of getting Annelisse out of her mind, something that no one had ever achieved, until now.  She was patient, very tolerant, but with Draco Malfoy and his comments, she did not know how to handle herself.

"Oh, what did you have in mind? Go with your Hufflepuff's friends to dance under a tree and thank the world for such a wonderful day?"  He said teasingly, his voice somewhat sharp, on purpose.  Annelisse opened her mouth, incredulous at what he had just said.

"We are not like that!"  She responded by raising her voice a little.

"Hey, hey, calm down, Hufflepuff. Your chakras are going to be out of place."

Annelisse frowned as she narrowed her eyes at him "You're impossible, Malfoy." She snorted and crossed her arms over the railing, staring straight ahead.

Draco watched her, seeing how she was outraged by his comment and could not help give a little chuckle. He was amused by the way her face wrinkled when she was upset and —although he had a hard time admitting it— even a little cute. He felt curious about her.

Of course they were not from the same grade because he would have seen her in class, so he thought the girl must be a year younger, maybe two. She did not seem very small either to him. Draco did not even know her name and he felt a bit embarrassed about it. He knew that he had treated her badly for no reason, that he had gone back to being an idiot.

Without realizing it, both Draco and Annelisse were silent, gazing out at the outskirts and strangely enjoying each other's presence without arguing or fighting.

That, to Draco, made him feel different.  Even though he did not think that girl was the best company in the world, having someone there with him made him feel less alone.

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