The only chance to end this all

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One year later

April's POV:

It's been a year now. One entire year living with my mother and all the other werewolves of the camp. The sun is slowly rising outside of the small cabin I made a few months ago. I look at myself in the mirror

I was part of every single attack. Some more violent than others. I tried my best between, trying to save as most people as I could and keep the appearance to be a deadly monster in order to gain their trust. Every new crime I made took me one more step away from Remus. I knew no one could ever forgive me for what I've done. Even a person with a heart like Remus. I can't even forgive myself so how could I accept any forgiveness coming from others? My goal is the only think keeping me alive. I'm only a shadow of myself now. A zombie just like any other werewolf in this camp.

I study myself in the mirror. Since I'm hear, I loose a lot of weight. You can see my cheekbones as clearly as never before. My eyes seems huge on my now skinny face. My eyes are still paint in black. My hear is falling on my back from my ponytail with some tiny braids in it. I look down at my hands, holding on to the bathroom sink. My nails are dark from the work and fights. Scars and burns are covering almost every part of my skin. One tiny tear is slowly running down my check.

That's when I hear my front door opening.

« April, I need to speak with you. Meet me at my place. Now » My mother says, in her cold voice before closing the door behind her.

I take a deep breath, take my small but sharp knife on the table and hide it in my bottle. My wand in my pocket, I take one last glance around me before exiting the room to meet with my mother.


I knock slowly at the door, waiting for her answer.

« Come in » My mother orders me.

I open the door, revealing my mother, standing in front of her small window. She doesn't even turn to face me as I close the door behind me. I just stand there, waiting for her to speak.

« There is something I need to show you » she finally says, after what seems like an eternity to me. I stil don't feel well around her. So much hatred is radiating from her. When I approach her, I always feel like approaching a bomb, who could explode by any time.

She opens a tiny jewelry box, standing in the corner of her room. The box looks old and almost breaks when she opens it. I didn't even saw it as I first came in. Suddenly, she lets the cover falls, causing me to jump slightly from the sudden noise.

My mother faces me, holding a little pink bottle in her hand.

« Do you know what this is? » she asks, her eyes boring into mine, waiting for my answer.

« Some kind of potion. I never so something like this before though » I answer, coming closer to her and holding up my hand to take the bottle from her. But she's cleary faster than me and put the bottle away from my grip.

She starts to walk through her room. « This my dear daughter, is the result of thirty years of work. » she starts to explain, her voice as neutral as ever. She suddenly comes to a stop and look at me. « This is the potion who can cure the werewolves. The cure who will prevent them from any transformation during moonlight ».

My blood runs cold. « What? this can't be.... I thought that such a potion couldn't exist » I stutter in shock.

A cruel laugh escape her lips. « For such ignorant people as simple wizard maybe. But I work on this potion days and nights. It became my obsession. » She says, holding the bottle high and looking at it like the most precious treasure.

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