The battle

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April's POV

I knew that Dumbledore would raise an army to come and fight the group once and for goof. But I didn't expected my friends to join him. I needed them to be safe. What the hell where they thinking by coming here ? Every single one of them was fighting. James, Sirius, Peter, Lily and even Remus. When I first saw him, my heart had literally stopped. Even after all these years, my love form him is still as strong as it was the last night I danced with him at the Ball. But slowly my anger is taking control again. Why are they risking their lives ? This isn't their battle. They don't belong here.

A huge explosion brings me back to reality.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I shout at Sirius as we both hide behind a giant rock. The anger in me is growing, menacing to make me lose my control as I look him dead in the eyes, waiting for his answer.

He doesn't seem to be impressed at all, but rather annoyed.

"Because, if you like it or not, there are still people here for you. I know that it's hard for you to understand but we are still a family remember?" he says, screaming over the explosions in the background.

My anger starts to fade away as I realize that they actually came for me. The shock is hitting me, making it even hard for me to breath. I look at my left to see Lily fighting next to Remus and they both turn they attention to me. I can see the determination in their eyes but also the deep bound that we created between us on what seem to be a very long time ago.

The battle is raging around us, dust and smoke in the air, burning our lungs. I turn my attention back to Sirius and a bubble of recognition is surrounding my heart. Without any further hesitation, I throw myself at him and engulf him in a hug. He seems surprised at first but he quickly recovers and hugs me back. A few seconds later, I finally let go of him and we both smile at each other.

"Now it's Showtime" Sirius says, with a devilish laugh before jumping over the rock to join the main battlefield.

I suddenly hear a scream coming from my right. A terrible sound echoing in me like a signal of indescribable distress. I try to see through the fog left by a nearby explosion. I start to cough but continue to scan my surroundings to find the origin of the screaming.

Only a few feet away, I see a little girl around 5 years old. She's screaming at the top of her lungs. Her entire body is covered in dust. Tears are running down her cheeks as she stays in the middle of the explosions. Without any other thought, I jump out of my hiding place, shielding myself with a spell. I run as fast as I can to the little girl. I pick her up with my arm around her waist, as I continue to run to a nearby fallen tree. We both duck behind it just in time to hear a huge explosion right where we us to stand a few seconds ago.

I take a few seconds to catch my breath, before turning to look at the small girl. She's standing next to me, crying. Her long blond hair are covered in mud. The tears are flowing from a beautiful green eyes, mixing with the dust on her cheeks. I can see small burns where her clothes have been torn but nothing to serious.

I kneel in front of her and put my hands on her shoulders, trying to bring her some sort of comfort. She refuses to met my eyes, even as I start to speak with her.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, I'm with you, you're not alone." I south her. "We need to find your parents. Can you tell me where your parents are ?"

I'm not sure if she doesn't hear me or if she's to shocked to understand what's happening. I hold her against me and run my hand against her back, while thinking about what I'm going to do now. She doesn't protest but doesn't hug me back either. She just stays in my arms, crying.

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