Plan the evil Prank

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Remus' POV:

"I hope Snivellus isn't going to be such an ass this year or we'll have to teach him a lesson again." Sirius says.

"What are you already planning to do?" Peter asks in a voice full of excitement.

"I don't know.... Hung him in the air by his feet maybe?" Sirius replies, making James and Peter start to laugh.

I don't pay much attention to their little talk. Severus Snape or Snivellus as they like to call him is a boy from Slytherin. He's a pretty shy guy with black hair who thinks that only pure blood wizards are worth using magic. Which really gets on James' nerfs, because Lily comes from a muggle family. Sirius and him always use to 'teach him a lesson' as they said, when he gets too far.

Like I said, I don't pay much attention to it and prefer to read my book. We are sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, eating breakfast before our first day of school really starts.

Goblets of pumpkin juice as well as lots of food are spread across the table. Peter and I are sitting on one side, while James and Sirius are sitting on the other.

"Hey, Moony! Stop being such a bookworm and help us plan another prank." James complains to me. Getting no reaction, he grabs my book from the other side of the table and throw it in his bag.

"Hey, I was actually reading that!" I say angrily at him while looking up for the first time since we arrive.

I don't hear his reply as my attention is suddenly dragged to a certain person walking pass James. The girl from the train continues to walk until she reaches the other end of the table to finally sit down. Her hair is styled in a high ponytail, letting her long dark curly hair fall on her back. Her black eyes are searching the table for something decent to eat. She doesn't look at us, totally ignoring our presence.

"I knew it! Moony finally has a love interest!" Sirius suddenly shouts, pointing an accusing finger at me. I look back at my friends with wide eyes. They are all looking back at me with a huge grin on their faces.

"Come on, it's nothing." I say, waving my hand dismissively, hoping they would drop the subject.

"Don't play the fool. You were totally staring!" James ads in an excited voice.

"You should go and talk to her." Peter advises seriously.

"What? No. Like I said, I'm not interested in anyone. Was the summer that long that you actually forget about my furry little problem?" I ask them, making them stop dead in their tease.

"You know, it's not because you are... you know what... that you actually have to live a lonely life. Who knows? Maybe she's going to accept you as you are." Sirius states in a serious tone I didn't even knew he had.

"He's right. Just talk to her and you will see." Peter smiles at me.

I smile back at all of them, feeling glad to have such amazing friends. James reaches up to pat my shoulder in an encouraging and friendly manner.

I steal a final glance her way and find out with horror that she's looking at us, probably due to all the noise the guys were making. Fortunately for me, she's too far away to hear anything they said. When her eyes land on me, I turn my attention towards my plate and let a few strands of hair fall on my face. It became a habit a long time ago.


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