The first transformation

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April's POV:

"There must be something..." I mumble, turning the pages of my book over and over again. I'm sitting in the library for weeks now. I spend my entire free time desperately searching for a cure. Tonight, is a full moon and I still didn't find anything. I look at the amount of papers spread across the table.

I abruptly close my book and let out a deep sigh, running my hands through my hear.

"The exams are only in a couple of months. There is still a lot of time left to study, you know."

I turn around to see Lily looking at me with a smirk. She has some books and papers in hand. Her long red hair is almost reaching her hips. Her green eyes are sparkling like always.

"What are you working on? Maybe I can help?" she kindly asks, while sitting next to me.

"No, it's okay, thanks. I just have some trouble with my DADA homework but nothing I can't fix." I quickly answer, giving her my best fake smile.

Lily and I became closer since the incident. I don't know if the marauders or McGonagall informed her about what happened, but at least she doesn't speak about it. We just share some conversations here and then. Most of the time in the girl's dormitory or at the library, when the marauders aren't around.

Truth is, I try to avoid them as much as I can. I'm still not ready to face the upcoming situation. They tried to talk to me a few times after school or even in the common room. But I've always found a way to disappear or at least, pretend to be in a hurry to escape the conversation. Remus was the most persistent. He doesn't seem mad at me for my previous behaviour, which only make me feel worth. I know that I don't deserve his forgiveness and it makes me uncomfortable to know that he thinks I do. The hurt in his eyes every time I shove him away somehow fills my heart with sadness. He obviously is the first person who really seems to notice me and maybe even care? But I don't have a choice. He wants to prevent me from searching a cure, or that's currently the only thing giving me a reason to go on.

I snap out of my thoughts by two fingers being snapped in front of my face.

"April? Are you alright?" Lily asks me, concern clear in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine" I send her a reassuring smile, before starting to pick up the papers lying on the desk. "I think I'm going to practice some charms before dinner." I tell her, standing up. "See you later" I call at her, before leaving the room.

I see the frown on Lily's face as I leave the library but I decide not to think about it right know. I'm going to skip dinner to keep my mind off of the upcoming night. I didn't lie to her when I said I was going to practice some charms. There is a special room where the students can go to practice charms, on the other end of the corridor.

I open the door to take a quick look inside. The room is empty. Perfect! I slide inside and put the papers and books on a nearby chair. I take out my wand. Sadly, it's not really my wand since I lost it in the haunted forest. The school was kind enough to lend me another one for the rest of the year. I let out a small sigh. It just doesn't feel the same but I guess I have to make the best of it.

I raise my wand and close my eyes. The magical charms are slowly illuminating the room in thousands of different colours. I let the magic spread all around me, not thinking about anything else.

Remus' POV:

"You still haven't talk to her yet?" Sirius asks, his voice full of reproach.

I'm sitting with James, Peter, Sirius and Lily by the fire in the common room. April didn't show up for dinner so I still didn't talk to her about how we're supposed to proceed tonight.

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