Hogsmeade week end

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Remus' POV:

We are all waiting for April to join us in the hall after breakfast the next morning. When I mean all of us, that's not exactly true. James could convince Lily to spend the day with him, which left Sirius, Peter and me.

"Your girlfriend better not be late or we'll won't have the time to drink a butter bier." Sirius complains, crossing his arms on his chest, clearly impatient.

"She's not my girlfriend, I just thought that maybe it would be nice for her to spend the day with us instead of roaming along like she is used to. Especially after everything that happened lately." I answer him, a little annoyed that he continues to tease me about her all the time.

He looks towards me, lifting one eyebrow to make me see how skeptical he is about the topic. I just roll my eyes and let out a small sigh of resignation.

"Stop fighting like children, she's coming." Peter informs us, looking behind me.

I turn around to see that April's indeed walking towards us.

Since it's Hogsmeade week end, we don't have to wear our uniforms. We boys just put some casual pullover and pants on. The big coats are supposed to shield us from the cold just like the Gryffindor scarf we are all wearing. To be honest, we almost look like brothers. But when April approaches I can see that she actually tried to look nice. She's wearing a big grey pullover, with skinny black pants and short boots. A light brown coat as well as a matching brown and white scarf are covering most of her body. A grey wool cap with a pompon is making her look cutter than ever. Her long brown hair is falling from each side of her face. When she finally comes to a stop, I can see that she even took the time to do some light make up to hide her scars. Her skin is still slightly pale from the previous night. She tries to hide the fact that her body is still hurting but I can see her small winces of pain as she continues to walk towards us.

I wake up from my trance by Sirius clearing his throat. I was staring again. What is this girl doing to me? Thank god, she doesn't seem to notice my strange behaviour.

"Hello guys." She greets us with a shy smile. "I hope I'm not late."

"It was clause but you're forgiven." Sirius replies with a charming smile only he can manage. "But now, you are going to know our last and maybe biggest secret. Be prepared because you are not going to believe your eyes" Sirius says in a solemn tone.

April doesn't reply but I can see the curiosity and interest flashing in her dark eyes. Sirius then takes something out of his pocket and reach it to her in such a theatrical way, that I almost suppress a laugh. She takes hold of it before turning it several times in her hands. She finally looks up at us, her eyebrows up in a questioning manner.

"A blank piece of parchment? You are making fun of me, right?" She asks, still not understanding what this whole thing is about.

"Oh, but it's not an ordinary piece of parchment." I inform her with a proud smirk. I take out my wand and place it onto the parchment that she's still holding with a sceptical look on her face. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good".

Her eyes grow wide and her mouth hang wide open as she looks at the now completed parchment in front of her.

"Oh my god, is this...?"

"The entire design of Hogwarts and the trace of every single person walking in it? Yes, it is my dear." Sirius answers, with a voice full of pride.

April continues to look in awe at the small print walking along the small map, with the name of each person written under it.

"How did you get that?" She asks, looking back at us.

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