Time for some revelations

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Remus' POV:

A few days passed since the incident with April and she seems to have at least accept the fact that she wasn't alone in this. We all make sure to show her how much we actually want to help her. I'm sitting with the rest of the Marauders in the classroom, trying to understand something about the potion we are supposes to make.

"Guys, we better hurry. The Christmas ball is approaching and we need to pick the right girl." Sirius whispers, hiding behind the cauldron. Thank god, Professor Slughorn seems to be busy talking with one of his favourite students.

"I already solved the problem." James tells us proudly, while throwing another ingredient in the potion we are currently making.

"What? You could convince Lily to come with you?" Peter asks in awe and James only nods.

"Okay so you're out of the game." Sirius states, before turning to Peter and me. "Okay, I'm planning to ask a Gryffindor girl tonight. She won't resist my natural charm so, this only leaves the both of you" Sirius says with a smirk.

"Hum actually, I've already ask someone..." Peter informs us shyly. We all turn to him wide eyes before punching his shoulder to show our support on the matter.

"Okay Moony, you're the last one. Everyone knows who you are going to ask but the question is, when are you finally going to ask her?" James says, and they all look at me waiting for my answer.

I continue to toss the potion and let my strands cover my eyes. The truth is that I already thought of thousand different ways to ask her. Sadly, it seems that I just can't find the right way.

"Oh, come on Moony, you're a Gryffindor for god's sake. You can't be afraid of a single woman?" Sirius says, punching me so hard on the back that the spoon falls inside of the cauldron, letting a small explosion erupt.

"What are you guys doing?" Lily suddenly asks, turning towards us. She was sitting on the desk right in front of us with April. I hope with all of my heart that they didn't catch on what we were whispering.

"Nothing!" Peter quickly says, making it ever more obvious that we were talking about a touchy subject.

Lily narrows her eyes at us and April turns around to give us a questioning look.

"We are talking about the Christmas ball. Everyone already found a girl beside Remus." James confesses, making all the heads turn towards me. I quickly look down to my book to hide my embarrassment.

"Really?" Lily asks with a devilish smirk. "And do you already know who you want to ask? Maybe we can help?" she continues and the way she looks at me makes it so obvious that I decide to find a way to escape the fact that she wants me to confess my feelings for April.

"Yes, actually I have already someone in mind." I tell her and I can see April straighten on her chair.

"And can we know her name?" Lily pushes even further. I never would have thought that she would push the thing this far. I was sure that she would drop the subject. Panic overwhelms me and my mind goes blank. I can feel April's eyes burring into me as she waits for my answer.

"No, sorry. Besides, you don't even know her" I answer quickly, not even thinking about what I just said.

And by the look of pure disappointment on April's face, I can tell that I definitely just made a huge mistake. Lily frowns at me and looks like she's going to kill me. The guys still sitting next to me are letting small groans out and Sirius even slaps himself in disbelief.

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