This is goodbye

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April's POV:

"Ouch! Be careful!" I complain again, reaching out to my hair. Lily prevents me from touching it by slapping my hand.

"Don't touch it, you're going to ruin it! I'm almost done" she says, scolding me on my behaviour.

I let out a deep sigh and let her finish her work, her wand dancing around my head as she tries to help me with my hairstyle. We are both sitting on my bed in the dormitory, getting ready for the ball. Lily and I spend our last Hogsmeade week end shopping to find the best dress to wear for the party. It was my first real "girl day" and I must admit that it was pretty fun. We tried a lot of different outfits before we finally found THE dress.

Lily and I became even closer thanks to this moment we shared together. I know consider her as my best friend. She was there, along with the Marauders when I woke up after my second transformation, who was even more painful than the first one. I opened my eyes to see an also not looking well Remus holding my hand tight between his own and Lily, Peter, James and Sirius were standing right behind him with worried looks on their faces. They are the shoulders I can lay on during this difficult time and I don't know what I could have possibly do to deserve such a strong friendship.

I try to take my time and savour every single moment of joy and silliness with them. Dumbledore contacted me again, in order to give me some advises on how to succeed the mission. I haven't say a single word about this to anyone. Not even my closes friends. I have to keep them as far away from this as possible for their own safety. I'm still determinate to follow Dumbledore's idea and I can't help but being nervous at the thought that I'm going to finally meet my parents.

Now I'm waiting for Lily to finish my hair before the ball begins. I know this is the last time I'm going to spend with her and the Marauders at Hogwarts. I don't know how long I'm going to stay with my parents. Maybe it's even the last time I'm going to see them. My mind drifts to Remus and I have to fight the tears. Tonight, is going to be our first real date and deep down I fear it could also be the last.

I take a deep breath and push these thoughts away. Tonight, is going to be magical and I'm going to have as much fun as possible with my friends. I'm going to try and built the best memories with them.

"Okay, we're ready!" Lily suddenly exclaims, bringing me back to reality.

We both move to stand in front of the huge mirror she just make appear in the corner of the room.

Lily looks as stunning as ever. She chose a long emerald dress, matching perfectly with her long braid falling on her side.

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