The bite

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April's POV:

The second day of school goes by without any incident, but I still feel like a hunted prey. I know they can take their revenge by any moment. For now, I'm standing in the courtyard speaking with Amy. We share the same dormitory and we spend some time together now and then. She's a very extrovert girl and I like her company. She always tells me a lot about her life and her pretty complicated relationships and I like to just listen to her.

It's almost diner time, but a lot of students are still standing outside to take some fresh air.

"It's starting to get cold. Do you want to go inside to have something warm to eat?" I finally ask Amy.

"Yeah, sure!" she replies with her signature ecstatic smile.

I make my way to the castle's doors with Amy following behind. Just as I put the first step inside, I suddenly feel something cold and wet smash on my entire body, making me scream in surprise. For a second I just stand there, totally drench. It takes me a few more seconds to realize what just happened. An entire bucket of ice and water has just been emptied above me.

I turn around to face the huge noise that started right after that. Images of my past are coming back to the surface, as I stare at the people laughing while pointing their fingers at me. Even Amy puts her hand in front of her mouth to suppress a laugh.

My vision becomes blurry as I stand there frozen in shock. The laughs are echoing in my head. A very old scar has just been open again and I can't stand the pain. It seems that I just can't find my way out of this nightmare. The humiliation has far more consequences for me then the marauders could have guess.

Remus' POV:

I make my way through the crowd, worried about the prank James and Sirius just made. I finally reach my two friends to see what the students are all laughing about. April is standing in the doorframe, completely drench. Small ice cubes are still entangled in her hair. She's watching wide eyes at the people standing in front of her. Her expression is blank as a statue except her eyes who keeps flickering to each face.

She suddenly looks at me and my heart sink into my stomach from how broken she seems to be. I can see the tears slowly making their way to her beautiful eyes before she starts to run away in the direction of the dark lake, pushing the still laughing students aside.

I scream out her name to make her stop but she doesn't seem to hear me or she simply doesn't want to. I'm not even sure if she knows my name so, why would she listen to me?

I decide to chase after her but I quickly come to a stop, as James and Sirius suddenly appears in front of me, blocking my path.

"Are you out of your mind? How could you make fun of her like that?" I ask them angrily.

"Oh, come on Moony, we went very soft on her!" James tries to justify himself.

"That's not the point! You humiliated her in front of so many people!" I continue to shout. "I need to go and find her. Someone needs to apologize for your childish behavior." I state in a more calmly voice.

I walk into the direction she just left again but Sirius grabs my arm to hold me back and I try shove his hand off, without any success.

"Wait! You cannot go know. The apologize can wait until tomorrow. It's starting to get dark and remember what time of the month we are. We need to head to the Shrieking Shack." He tells me, worry clear in his voice.

I let out a small sigh, looking at the sky. Sirius is right, it's starting to get dark and my bones are already hurting. I can feel that the transformation is close to begin. I need to lock myself in the haunted cabin, in order to keep the people safe from the monster I'm about to let out. I look one last time to the direction April just left, feeling guilt clench on to my heart. I promise myself that I would talk to her tomorrow.

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