The denial

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April's POV:

I don't know how much time had passed since the attack. I'm still lying on the ground in the middle of the forest. I've lost conscious several times already. I'm too weak to scream for help. The sun is rising so I guess we must be in the early morning.

The simple action of breathing seems to be insurmountable. The pain emanating from my arm is unbearable. It feels like a thousand of little scissors are continually slicing the flesh. My eyes are full of tears but I don't even have the strength to let them fall. I just want this endless suffer to end.

Greeting my teeth, I turn my head ever so slightly to the left, whining in pain. I have to take a look at my injured arm. What I see is even worst then I thought. The entire flesh has been almost entirely ripped, leaving some fraction of bones apparent. The blood has covered my clothes and the entire area on the ground. I don't know how I can still be alive.

My mind is drifting off again and I close my eyes. I feel like I'm not going to wake up this time. I've already lost to much blood and my body feels so cold. The only thing I hear before passing out is the sound of horse hooves in the distance.

Remus' POV:

I wake up in the messy room of the Shrieking Shack. I'm lying naked on the woodened floor of the small cabin. I can hear Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs laughing on the other side of the door. I wince in pain as soon as I try to get up. My friends' presence is helping me control the werewolf's actions, but it doesn't help with the pain you constantly feel in your bones the next morning, due to the transformation. At least, I don't have scratches or worth injuries anymore. I grab the pile of closes that I always keep there for the morning after and quickly get dressed. I open the door and barely crash into my friends.

"Look who's awake!" Sirius exclaims, sending me a bright smile. "You look a little bit pale but that's a part of your charm" he teases, with a wink.

I punch him in the shoulder and we all begin to laugh as we finally exit the Shrieking Shack.

As we make our way to the castle, we suddenly see an owl flying towards us. She drops a small later on the grass just in front of our feet. Prongs grabs it before reading it.

"What does it say?" Wormtail asks, out of curiosity.

"McGonagall wants to see us in her office. Right now." He answers, still looking at the letter.

"Does she explain why?" I nervously want to know.

"No, let's find out" James replies, walking in the direction of McGonagall's office.

The three of us follow, without another word. I must confess that I'm slightly nervous. Does it have something to do with James and Sirius' prank? Or worth, did I attack or did something during the last night? No, my friends would have told me.

My mind is running wild as we finally reach the right door. Padfoot knocks before pushing the door open. McGonagall is sitting on her desk, looking at us as we enter the room. She is the headmaster of the Gryffindor house. Her slightly grey hair is always styled in a very strict manner, making her look elegant and confident. Her piercing green eyes are looking at us above the tiny glasses on her nose, like she tries to read our soul.

She raises her wand in front of her to make four chairs appear behind us.

"Please, take a sit" she orders us and we oblige.

"Do you have any idea, why I convened you all in my office?"

We all stay silent as we really have no idea what brought us here.

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