Everything has changed

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April's POV:

Almost a month has passed and I'm slowly getting used to my new surrounding. i try to leave as best as I can in the middle of these knew faces. We are leaving in a small abounded area near a forest. The werewolves raised little cabins with the wood the could find and it almost looked like a little village or more a little camp.

I'm leaving with my mother, trying my best to get her to trust me. All this situation is still awkward and I don't feel comfortable around her. It's difficult for me to sleep as I always imagine her entering my room with a knife to start and kill me. But for know, she doesn't seem o have any bad intention towards me. She still wears her make of coldness, who seems to know have become a part of her.

The first day I arrived, all the werewolves looked at me with suspicious. I felt the hatred and the anger in everyone of them. They all suffered in the past. They all need vengeance and that what was feeding their determination. My mother introduced me as her daughter, and a futur leader of the group. Nobody mad any objection. They all went back to work without speaking, like zombies.

In fact, nobody in this « camp » speaks much. We all work all day long, hunting for food, making fire... we try to survive. My mother asked for one of her best element to train me. With his long brown hear falling on his back like dreadlocks, his deadly eyes and the scars and burnings covering his face, I immediately understood that he went through the most piercing battles. And that these was the one person who could teach me how to survive. So I followed his lead every day. I trained like I never did before. I learned how to fight with my bare hands, without using any magic. I gave my best and almost freaked as his training is getting harder and harder. But I can't give up. Not after everything I'm willing to sacrifice for the greater good. I need to follow my own purpose. He was the one who would give me the strength to fulfill my mission. So I continued to train, over and over again for a month now.


Tonight, we are all standing around a small table in what seems to be the main cabin in the camp. My mother is looking at a paper spread on the table, giving the orders for the next attack planed for next week. Even if I'm still not ready to join the fight, I like to assist to try and get a better look at what they want, what they are willing to do, and how far they would go. And it always scares me. All those killings, all this destruction, all these people dead. Even kids wouldn't be spared. It only increases my hope to one day end this all for good.

In the back, I can see the werewolves who was ordered to train me. He was and still is my mentor. But that still doesn't make me like him. His goal was the same as all the others in this group. They wanted blood and destruction. But I needed him and that is enough for now.

My mother brings me back to reality as she puts her hand on my shoulder. I see everyone around leaving the cabin. I turn around to face her and she looks at me with the first small smile I've ever seen on her.

« Soon you would be joining us. » She squeezes me lightly before letting go and leaving the cabin, following the others.

I look back at the table, remembering the following battle. My entire body starts to tremble as I imagine that I will be the next following these orders. But I soon take control again. I breath deeply, calming me down. I need her to trust me. I know she's hiding dome deep secrets from me and I need to know every single one of them to bring her down. If that means being part of there attacks, then I would. I lock the last parts of the old April in the back of my brain.

As I exit the cabin, I'm not me anymore. I'm the person I need to be to follow my purpose. I'm willing to do every sacrifice I must. I know that's I'm going to make unforgivable crimes. But i'm a monster right ? So I'm going to let the beast in me out in hope to one day save the people from this kind of suffer I felt as I transformed it what seem like an eternity ago.

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