A new life

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Remus' POV:

It's been a month since April left. I play the night of the Christmas ball in my head over and over again. Something in her eyes just felt off that night. As if she was already telling us all goodbye. But I was blinded by my own happiness and I didn't want to push her. I thought she would talk to me when she was ready to. Maybe that was my first mistake.

I reach for the small letter on my bedside table before I make a small flame appear to light a candle. I could just use my wand but the smell of candles helps me relax. Everyone's already asleep so I open the letter, careful not to wake them up. My eyes travel over those same words for the thousand time.

"Goodbye Remus,

Take care of yourself,


That's all she said. After all the moments we shared together, she left me here without any explanation. Hurt is overwhelming me and I quickly fold the paper together before I trough it into my drawer. I hold back the tears already forming in my eyes. I look at the ceiling and try not to think about the fact that I could be the cause of her disappearance. Guilt grows in my chest. I know there is no point, but I still have to try and find her. I need to know why she left and most of all I need to make sure that she's alright. I'm sick of waiting. Tomorrow, I'm going to try and find my answers.

This new hope is slowly becoming my only goal as I finally found a reason to wake up the next morning. I blow the candle off and darkness surrounds me again as I try to fall asleep.


April's POV:

I'm actually sitting in the small sofa near the window in the dark orphanage. Two days have passed since I left Hogwarts and all my friends behind. Most of the kids are already sleeping. I try to read the same sentence over and over again but I just can't concentrate. My mind is all around the place.

I sigh and put the book aside, hugging a nearby cushion instead. I try to get some comfort from the emptiness I feel inside. Don't think that I regret my choice. That's not it. I finally found a goal in my life since my accident. Maybe I was meant to be a werewolf in order to stop my parents and every single one of their partisan. I try to hold on to this idea to keep me from drowning.

I can't let myself think about anything else than that, especially not Remus. I really loved him but I locked these feelings deep inside of me to not have any weakness they could use against me. I have to be strong and I have to concentrate on my purpose in order to save these world from my family, and maybe also from myself.


I must have fallen asleep on the sofa, because the bright light coming from the window is waking me. I quickly close my eyes again and mumble some insults to this unwelcome guest. My brain is still a little bit dizzy as I hear someone screaming my name from the kitchen. I grab the cushion I must've been hugging last night and put it over my head to cover the noise.

"April !!!! how many times do I have to scream out for you?!" The headmistress shouts, grabbing the cushion harshly to wake me up.

I lazily open one eye as I'm use to this kind of wakening. I spend most of my life in this orphanage after all.

"What is it?" I ask her, bitterness clear in my voice.

"Someone is waiting for you, so you better get your ass downstairs." She says, throwing me one last glare before leaving the place.

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