siendo menospreciado por sus hermanos mayores y sobre todo que sus dos hermanos poseen habilidades extraordinarias,siendo su hermana poseedora de tiamat ,la reina dragón y su hermano teniendo a yamata no Orochi fueron el centro de atención del mund...
The two brothers after finishing remembering how they obtained the powers of those dragons, came home quite tired and sad at the same time, however with the school they could not stay calm due to the school, since they did not want to fail him. his mother, and soon Naruto would also enter the high school which he did not give a shit about his two brothers.
Kizuna had what he wanted, a good reputation, a beautiful girlfriend, talent in sports and he was very good at school, what a girl would not want to hang out with someone like him, he was practically a god in his school and even the teachers flattered him.
With hiyori it was almost the same only that the girl had a college teacher as a boyfriend (if she is not an asshole) not to mention that she is the most popular in her school.
Kizuna: Damn, .. I'm exhausted ..
Hiyori: I know, this day was quite heavy (sigh) but with the fact that we are now carriers of those dragons we are going to have problems.
Kizuna: Who would think that all this time we thought that "natural" disasters were caused by these things.
Hiyori: how do you know that?
Kizuna: ah why did a girl tell me about it.
Hiyori: (raising an eyebrow) who ??
Kizuna: maybe you will meet her tomorrow since she said she would come here to make us an offer
Hiyori: I guess he's trying to stop ... but ... (looking at his arm) I still can't believe there are still dragons.
Kizuna: have you been able to talk to your dragon?
Hiyori: what did you already talk to him about and what did he tell you? (Surprised)
Kizuna: well, it says that there are not only dragons but also demons, angels and fallen angels among other things.
Hiyori: are there angels ?? and where the hell were they when they killed our mother ??
Kizuna: I don't know, but I'm sure of something and that is that our life will be interesting from now on (smiles)
Hiyori: by the way where is our useless brother ??
Kizuna: I don't know, I'm not his babysitter, besides he must be trying to get home as late as possible because he knows I'll beat him to death ..
Hiyori: she has a house and a schedule to arrive, she is disrespecting the memory of our mother.
Kizuna: Whatever, I'll finish my duties and come down to help you with the food.
Hiyori: fine, but hurry up.
Elsewhere we can see a young blond man leaving school, on his face you could see the bruises he had because he had been involved in a fight with his classmates or rather with the abusers at school and as always he was scolded by the teachers and superiors causing him to be suspended for several days and obviously they called his sister, but he would not say that ... he would manage as he always had since they began to abuse him.
Naruto began to defend himself when he saw that his brother beat him very seriously, why did he think that the times he did it he believed he had done something wrong when it was not that, and since then he began to "train" with a friend from a small dojo that there was near the kuoh forest where his friend zennosuke taught him what he knew in martial arts
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