Episode 5: So... much... blood!

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Etho's pov

Me and Beef were working on the new defence systems for the Team Canada base. Pause hasn't come back yet from his rounds with Kurt. Somethings up.

"Hey Beef. Have you not noticed that Pause isn't back yet?" I asked him. He looks around then says, "No... not really. I haven't noticed at all. Where could he be?" I shrug my shoulders.

Just then Baj came up to us. He looked hesetent at first but then comes up to us. With his head down. "Baj what's up man?" Beef asked him. Baj doesn't say anything. "Pause has been severely injured. Go to Jsano's." And he dissapeared.

I nod and we both quickly head over to Jsano's. In a bed was lying Millbee, MC, and Pause. All wounded. I became deadly quiet. Both me and Beef. I didn't know what to do!

"What the hell happened to them?" I heard Beef ask beside me. "Mill and MC were mining and... well... long story short... Baj and Kurt almost killed them." Wait... Baj and Kurt?

"Why them? How was Pause injured?" I asked. "While Pause and Kurt were on their rounds... Herobrine payed them a little visit. Herobrine possessed Kurt and made him a track Pause. Not of him own free will."

Did Guude just say what I think he said? Kurt and Baj have been possessed by Herobrine? Great. A few more problems to deal with.

Anders' pov

While we were talking... We heard a gigantic boom come from the entrance. In walks Kurt and Baj. Baj and Kurt's eyes were different. Baj's were green. Kurt's were red and blue.

Then... Herobrine walked in. "Hello Guude. How's it going?" Herobrine chuckled. Guude gave him a growl. The three looked over at me. Then Avidya.

"We can split a deal. Guude. Give me Anders and Avidya and we'll leave you in peace." Herobrine off- Wait WHAT? "Guude... please... don't do this..." (TC Joke)

Guude hmmed. (That's a word) "Bo in a million years will I turn my friends over to you!" Guude told him. Thank god. Herobrine hmmed. (Still a word) "looks like we're going to do this the hard way."

Herobrine gave the others a signal... and the fight has begun...

Hey guys Alyssa here... and for a fanfic I just created three days ago it has already had 30 views! I know it's not a lot to celebrate for you dudes bit it is for me! Woooooooooooo!

Anyways... I hoped you enjoyed and I'll ce you dudes later. -creeper explodes-

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