Chapter 15; Two more to go!

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Guude's pov-

I watched as Baj clutched his side in pain while, wailing. He was looking even more rough then we though he was. Baj has about 28 hours left and now that Kurt Is back, he's fixing the machine.

"How much longer Kurt?" Bdoubs asked. "Only a little more... got it!" Kurt grabbed the machine and brought it over to me. "It should work now. I've removed the green cable to th-" I look at him.

"Ehem. Sorry. Let's just say I tinkered a few things." He told me. That I understood. We put it in our case and took it along with us. We went over to Jsano's.

Paul was still out. Unfortunately. "Kurt... may I speak to you for a moment?" Kurt lofted his head to the side, but then nodded slowly. We moved around the corner.

"Kurt. Is it true that you're blind without your glasses?" Kurt's eyes narrowed. "Indeed they are. Why?" I sigh. "Cause I think originally you weren't blind." Kurt was confused.

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked me. "What I mean is, I think that everyone that Herobrine stole from has something to do with him that has to do with yiu a swell." Kurt pondered.

"Matter of fact, I used to be able to see without me glasses. But that was 20 years ago Guude I was A boy at the time. Things can change." Kurt told me. I shake my head.

"Not out of the blue. I have known you for 12 years Kurt and not once have you taken off you glasses since today." Kurt bowed his head. "Guys come here!" They all came around us.

"What did Herobrine do to you?" I asked.

Kurt's pov-

"What did Herobrine do to you?" Guude asked me. I Pause and sigh. "I lived in a town up by the eastern river where there was a tale that there was a revenge seeker wanting revenge upon himself." I started.

"His name, was Herobrine. As the days passed the weather began acting stranger and stranger. Until the day came where there was a massive earthquake." I said.

"The grounds opened up and lava spewed out of the cracks. Then, at the top of the mountain stood a man wearing a black leathered cloak, which was hiding his face." I said.

"All I could see was the, white dead eyes that boomed death as soon as I saw them. The staff he held in his hands were made of an organic stone that was only found by the depths of hell." I said.

"The Hellstone. He pointed the staff to the sky and lightning rained upon my town. I, was struck. I had awoken in the ruins on the towns hospital. Unaware though where I was." I said.

"I was blind. I couldn't see a thing. So I adapted to my surroundings but then, It got worse. I created these 3d glasses, built with a modual when worn, I can see clearer." I said.

"Sometimes... I can't even see with the glasses so I'll need to fix them." I said. "And... that's when you met me." I told them. "I-I am really-" "Don't be. I should've told you the truth." I cut him off.

"I'll be in my auditorium if yiu need me." I said and walked aout the door.

Hey guys I thank you so much for 200 reads on this book I have enjoyed this so much and... it's just been a pleasure. Enjoy the book while it lasts. See you later Blazes. Peace out!

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